Commodity Receipts

Article06/12/20236 min read

The Commodity Receipts quickly record all the commodity items received from various vendors along with their quantities.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Commodity Receipts, and then choose the related link.
    The Commodity Receipts list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New to create a new record.
    Fill up the necessary fields.
  3. Alternatively, select the No. to open an existing record.
    The Commodity Receipt page opens.
  4. On the General FastTab, the No. field is populated automatically from the Commodity Setup page.
  5. The Order Date is populated automatically with the system’s date or work date. It specifies the date when the commodity receipt is created.
  6. The Vendor No. field is either filled automatically from a defined number series, or the manual number entry is enabled in the number series setup.
    The Vendor Name field is populated automatically based on the selected Vendor No.
  7. In the Commodity Item No. field, select a value from the list.
    The Commodity Item Description field is populated automatically from the Commodity Items page based on the selected Commodity Item No.
  8. On the Lines FastTab, the Commodity Item No., Commodity Item Description, and Type fields are automatically populated from the selection of Commodity Item No. on the General FastTab.
  9. In the Qty. to Receive field, enter the number of item units to be received.
    The Unit of Measure Code field is automatically populated with the purchase unit of measure based on the selected item in the General FastTab.
    The Location Code field is automatically populated based on the selected Vendor No. in the General FastTab.
    If the location code is blank in the General setup or you want to change the location code, you can change it manually.
    The Global Attributes ID1 to Global Attributes ID8 are automatically populated from the Commodity Items page for the specific commodity item.
    The Lot Attributes FactBox displays both global and non-global attributes.

Create a purchase order

The purchase order is created from the Commodity Receipts page after filling the required fields in the General and Lines FastTab.

  1. Go to the desired Commodity Receipt page.
  2. Fill in the required fields in the General and Lines FastTab.
    On the Lines FastTab, the Qty. to Receive, Unit of Measure Code, and Location Code fields are mandatory.
  3. On the action bar, go to Actions > Create Purchase Order.
  4. A confirmation message is displayed.
    • Select Yes to open the Purchase Order for the desired commodity item.
    • Select No to automatically populate Purchase Order No. field with the number, and you remain on the selected Commodity Receipt page.

The following fields are displayed on the Purchase Order page in addition to the fields in the standard BC(Business Central) when it is created for a commodity receipt:

Commodity DocumentSpecifies whether the created purchase order is a commodity purchase order or not.
Commodity Item No.Specifies the number of commodity items.

Commodity Document and Commodity Item No. fields are found on the General and Lines FastTab respectively.

You cannot create Purchase Order when Global Attribute and Non-Global Attribute Values in the Commodity Receipt line do not match with fixed and allowed values on the Lot Attribute template for that item.

Post the warehouse and purchase receipt

You can post the warehouse receipt and the purchase receipt only after creating a Purchase Order for the required commodity item.

  1. Go to the Commodity Receipt page of the desired commodity item for which the Purchase Order is created.
  2. On the action bar, go to Actions > Post.
    If the lot number is assigned to the selected purchase order line, the warehouse receipt or the purchase receipt will be posted based on location. Else an error message appears.
  3. After posting, a confirmation message appears.
    Select Yes to open the Posted Purchase Receipt page.
    Select No to remain on the Commodity Receipt page.

Create and post the purchase order

You can create the Purchase Order and post the warehouse receipt or purchase receipt from the commodity receipt page.

  1. Go to the Commodity Receipt page of the desired commodity item.
  2. On the action bar, go to Actions > Create and Post Purchase Order.
    If the lot number is assigned to the selected purchase order line, the warehouse receipt or the purchase receipt will be posted based on location. Otherwise, an error message appears.
  3. A confirmation message appears.
    Select Yes to open the Posted Purchase Receipt page.
    Select No to remain on the Commodity Receipt page.

Posted Commodity Receipts

The Posted Commodity Receipts list page displays all the commodity receipt documents for which the purchase order is posted or received. All the fields on this page are inherited from the Commodity Receipts page except No. field.

The No. field is automatically populated from the number series setup on the Commodity Setup page.

The No. field from the Commodity Receipt page is also inherited and displayed. However, the field name is shown as Commodity Receipt No.

To open a Posted Commodity Receipt, click the desired record on the Posted Commodity Receipts list page.

When the Commodity receipt document is posted, it appears as a record on the Posted Commodity Receipts list page and is not displayed on the Commodity Receipts list page. This is a non-editable page.

Delete a commodity receipt

You can delete a commodity receipt from the Commodity Receipts list page or the Commodity Receipt page. When a commodity receipt is linked to a purchase order which is not posted, a confirmation message appears before deleting the selected commodity receipt.

  1. Go to the Commodity Receipts list page.
  2. Choose the record you want to delete and click the AssistEdit button .
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Alternatively, select the desired record.
    The Commodity Receipt page opens, now click delete.
    1. If you delete a commodity receipt linked to a purchase order, a confirmation message appears. Click Yes.
      This deletes the selected commodity receipt and the associated purchase order is automatically deleted.
    2. If you delete a commodity receipt linked to a purchase order that contains additional purchase order lines, an error message appears.
      To delete the selected commodity receipt, all the additional purchase order lines must be deleted manually.
    3. If you delete a commodity receipt that is not linked to any purchase order, the commodity receipt will be deleted without any notification.

Delete purchase order

You can delete a purchase order linked with a commodity receipt, only when the commodity receipt is deleted first.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Purchase Orders list page opens.
  2. Choose the record you want to delete and click the context menu.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Alternatively, select the desired record.
    The Purchase Order page of the selected record opens, now click delete.
    1. If you delete a purchase order linked to a commodity receipt, an error message appears.
      You must delete the commodity receipt to delete the purchase order.
    2. If you delete a purchase order line linked to a commodity receipt, an error message appears.
      You must delete the commodity receipt to delete the purchase order lines.
      You can delete all the additional purchase order lines if they were added manually.
    3. If you delete a purchase order which is not linked to a commodity receipt, the purchase order will be deleted without any notification.

Receive, Invoice, and Receive and Invoice the commodity receipt

You are allowed to Receive, Invoice, and Receive and Invoice the Commodity Receipt Purchase Order.

Storage of lot attribute values

Global lot attributes and non-global attribute values are stored in the logging table which you can open and view in the posted commodity receipt document. Lot attributes, both global and non-global fields which are not assigned with any values are not stored in the table.