Production Order Components Line for Catch Weight Item

Article05/08/20233 min read

You can create Document Weight Lines for Production Order Component Line using the following steps:

  1. On the Released Production Orders page, on the Lines FastTab, select Line > Components to open the Prod. Order Components page.
  2. Open the Item Tracking Lines page.
  3. Select the required Lot No. and enter the value in the Quantity (Base) field.
    The Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Item Tracking Lines page is updated.
  4. Change the value in the Weight Qty. to Handle (KG) field.
  5. Close the Item Tracking Lines page.

If one production order component line has multiple Item Tracking Lines assigned, the fields on the components line will show the total value of all Document Weight Lines linked to that line.


The Weight Quantity fields will be visible only on the Released Production Orders Components lines.

The Remaining Weight Qty. (KG) and Expected Weight (KG) fields on the Production Order Components line are updated based on the Net Weight of the Component item. The Act Consumption (Qty) will be updated according to the actual Weight Quantity consumed for the production order.


The Weight Quantity on the Item Tracking lines for the Production Order Components line items are suggested based on the Average Weight of the item in the stock based on the Item, Variant, Lot, and Location for that item.

To Create Warehouse Pick for Production Order Component Line

When executing the Create Warehouse Pick function on the Released Production Orders page for the component items, a Warehouse Pick with the average weight quantity based on the suggested lot (Pick According to FEFO (First Expired First Out) is set to True for the selected Warehouse Location) values is created for the production order components line.


If you change the lot number on the warehouse pick, the Weight Qty. to Handle (KG) field is updated based on the average weight of the selected lot. Also, if you change the Qty. to Handle (Base) value on the Warehouse Pick, the Weight Qty. to Handle (KG) field is updated accordingly.

After registering the Warehouse Pick, the Weight Quantity values in the Item Tracking Lines of the Production Order Components line are updated along with the Lot information and the Qty. to Handle. The Document Weight Lines are created for the Production Order Components line items. For more information, see Create Document Weight Line for Warehouse Pick Line

To Create Document Weight Lines for Components on Production/Consumption Journal

When the Item Tracking Lines are defined in the Production Order Component lines, the Document Weight Lines are updated accordingly on the Production Journal or Consumption Journal. The Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Production Journal or Consumption Journal page are updated based on the average weight as defined on the Production Order Components line.

  1. Open the Production Journal page.

  2. Change the value in the Quantity (Base) field of the selected lot for consumption on the Item Tracking Lines page. The Weight Quantity (KG) value is updated based on the average weight of the selected lot.
    The Consumption Weight Qty. (KG) field on the Production Journal are updated based on the total value of all Document Weight Lines linked to that line.


    You can update the weight quantity as per the base quantity by opening the item tracking lines.

The Item Tracking Lines and Document Weight Lines on the Production Journal are updated in accordance with the Item Tracking Lines defined in the Production Order Component Lines.


The Document Weight Lines for the Consumption Journal functions in the same way as they do for the Production Journal (as mentioned above).