Process Warehouse Receipt with Catch Weight item

Article05/08/20233 min read

A Warehouse Receipt containing a Catch Weight item can be registered through a mobile device using the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration app. When scanning a Catch Weight item, after entering the value for the Weight Quantity while registering the Warehouse Receipt, you will have to enter the Weight Quantity of the Catch Weight item based on the Item Catch Weight Setup.

  1. Select the Receive icon on the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration home screen.

  2. Scan the Warehouse Receipt in the PO/Trans/WMS No. field.

  3. Scan the Item in the Item Identifier field.
    If the scanned item is recognized as a Catch Weight item, the Weight. Qty. to Recv, Weight. Qty Recv and Weight. Qty. Handled fields are made visible on the Mobile Device.

  4. Enter the Lot Number in the Lot No. field

  5. Enter the value in the Qty. Handled and Weight. Qty. Handled fields.


    The Weight Quantity cannot be higher or lower than the allowed limit set in the Item Catch Weight Setup page.

  6. Enter the value in the Weight. Qty. Handled field.
    The Weight Quantity is registered in the Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration app.
    In Business Central, the Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Mobile Scan Entries page is updated when a Warehouse Receipt is scanned on the Mobile Device.

  7. Scan the Item in the Item Identifier field.
    The Qty. to Recv, Qty. Recv , Weight Qty. to Recv and Weight Quantity Recv fields on the Receive page are updated.
    The Weight Quantities on the Receive page and Summary Tab are updated with the values of the first and second Lot.
    In Business Central, the Lot No. field on the Mobile Scan Entry Card page is updated with the value of the second Lot.

  8. On the Warehouse Receipt page, on the action bar, select Home > Transfer Scan Data.

The Weight Quantity fields on the Item Tracking lines are updated and the Document Weight Lines are generated automatically.

The Weight Quantity (KG) and Weight Qty. to Receive (KG) fields on the Warehouse Receipt page are updated.


If the Fixed field on the Item Catch Weight Setup for an Item is enabled, then the Wt. Qty. Handled field on the Receive page is updated.

In the Mobile Profile Setup page, if the Show Qty. to Receive field is set as No, the Qty. to Recv and Weight Qty. to Recv fields on the Receive page are not shown.

This functionality works in a similar manner while scanning the License Plate. You must update the Weight Quantity for the partial or complete License Plate.


When the Aptean Labeling extension is also used in conjunction with the Aptean Mobile Warehouse application, you can printlabels from Receipt for the Catch Weight items along with their weight quantity and Catch Weight unit of measure. For more information, see Aptean Mobile Warehouse Registration Activity. The License Plate Label is printed, and the information and label records are collected on the Label Output Files page in Business Central.