Process Warehouse Receipt with Autofill Function

Article05/08/20232 min read

When scanning the content of a License Plate during the receipt activity, you can scan multiple boxes or any other shipping unit to register the content of the license plate. You may want to register the total weight of the box as the quantity and not consider how many pieces are placed within the box.

In such a scenario, the process will be as follows:

  • Scans the item
  • Creates the license plate and lot number
  • Scans every bar code of the box mentioning the Quantity & Weight Quantity placed in it.

As a result, you will have a license plate with the same Item, License Plate number, Lot Number, Total Quantity and Weight Quantity.

In case of the Catch Weight Item, along with the Quantity, the Quantity of the Catch Weight item is also considered. If either the Quantity or the Weight Quantity is missing, you can enter them when prompted by the application.

  1. Enter the Purchase Order No. in the Quick Scan to automatically open the Receipt Activity.
    The system asks you to scan the Item No. that needs to be received.
  2. Scan the barcode.
  3. In the context menu, enable the Start Autofill LP, Item, Lot (F1) function.
    The Mobile Scan Entry is created automatically after scanning the barcode.
    The system prompts you to scan the next quantity.
  4. Scan the barcode.
    If the AI 31 or 32 value is missing, the system will prompt you to enter the Weight Quantity.
    The Mobile Scan Entry is created automatically after scanning the barcode.
  5. Select Stop Autofill LP, Item, Lot (F1).
    After the confirmation, the mobile device stops with the autofill scanning.
  6. Open the Summary tab.
  7. Select the line with the required License Plate No., Item No., Lot No., and Quantity.
  8. Select the Details action.
  9. Select the Accept (F8) action.

The Mobile Scan Entries with Quantity and Weight Quantity (KG) fields are updated, with the updated Lot No. field.