Post Warehouse Receipt Lines

Article05/08/20231 min read
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Receipts, and then choose the related link.
    The Warehouse Receipts page opens.
  2. Select the requiredNo. to open the Warehouse Receipt page.
  3. On the action bar, select Posting > Post Receipt to post the Warehouse Receipt.

While posting the Warehouse Receipt for a Catch Weight Item with the Lot/License Plate entry,

  • The Item Ledger Entry and the corresponding Item Weight Ledger Entry is created for each item tracking specification.
  • The Weight Quantity fields are updated on the Purchase Order, Posted Purchase Receipt, and Posted Warehouse Receipt pages.

The Posted Document Weight Lines and Item Weight Ledger Entries are created while the Item Tracking Lines and Document Weight Lines are updated on the Purchase Order and Warehouse Receipt.

The Posted Warehouse Receipt is created for the Purchase Order. The Weight Quantity (KG) field is added to the Posted Warehouse Receipt Lines. The value in this field is updated with the Weight Quantity (KG) in the Posted Document Weight Lines.