Post Sales Order

Article09/04/20245 min read

You can post a sales order for a Catch Weight item to record the actual weight quantity of the sales items.

To Post Sales Order for Shipment

When the Sales Order of a Catch Weight Item is posted, the Posted Document Weight Lines are created and can be accessed through the Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Posted Sales Shipment line.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Orders list page opens.

  2. Select and click the required No. to open the Sales Order page.

  3. On the Lines FastTab, on the action bar, click Line > Related Information >Item Tracking Lines.
    You can update the Quantity to Handle (base) field in the item tracking lines to automatically update the Weight Quantity (KG). The weight quantities on the Sales Line are also updated automatically.

  4. On the action bar, select Home > Post.

  5. Select Ship and click OK to create the Posted Sales Shipment.
    The Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Posted Sales Shipment Lines is updated with the value from the Weight Qty. to Ship (KG) on the Sales Order.
    You can access the Item Weight Ledger Entries by selecting Home > Find entries on the action bar on the Posted Sales Shipment page.
    An Item Ledger Entry is created in the Business Central. An Item Weight Ledger Entry is automatically created for each of the Item Ledger Entry while posting a Sales Order for a Catch Weight Item.


    On the Item Ledger Entries list page, on the action bar, select Related > Entry > Item Weight Ledger Entries to open the Item Weight Ledger Entries page.
    The Quantity (KG) field is updated on the Item Weight Ledger Entries page with the value from the Weight Qty. to Handle (KG) on the Item Tracking Lines while posting.
    The Posted Document Weight Lines are created for the Posted Sales Shipment. The Quantity(KG) field on the Posted Document Weight Lines is updated.

When posting the shipment for a catch weight item, the system ensures that the unit price and sales amount reflect the weight quantity to handle.

After posting the sales order partially or fully for shipment, without executing the Update Catch Weight Item Unit Price action, the system automatically updates the Unit Price Excl. VAT field and Line Amount Excl. VAT field for the catch weight item based on the weight quantity to ship.

The system updates the Sales Amount (Expected) field with the new values, creating the value entries and corresponding item ledger entries based on the updated sales amounts during the posting.

The system works similarly when you post the sales return order.

  • If you post the invoice after the shipment, the unit price is updated based on the weight quantity to invoice.
  • In the case of the posting sequence Ship > Invoice > Ship, the system updates the unit price on the line based on the last transaction.
  • The system skips the unit price update if the sales price is defined differently than the catch weight unit of measure or if the Costing Method field is not set as Advanced Pricing.

To Post Sales Order for Invoice

When posting the Sales Order for the Invoice of a Catch Weight item, the Item Weight Ledger Entries and Posted Document Weight Lines are updated with the Weight Qty. to Invoice (KG) from the Sales Order. The corrected Sales Amount (Actual) in the Value Entry for Sales Invoice is posted.

To Update Catch Weight Item Unit Price

You can update the Unit Price and Line Amount fields and view them for the Catch Weight item on the Sales Order based on the Weight Quantity entered in the Item Tracking Lines.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Update Catch Weight Item Unit Price to update the Unit Price for the Catch Weight Item.
    The Unit Price and Line Amount fields are updated on the Sales Order page.

Theunit price of the item is updated only if the sales price is available in the catch weight unit of measure and the unit of measure on the sales line is not equal to the catch weight unit of measure.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. Select and click the required No. to open the Sales Order page.
  3. On the action bar, select Posting > Post.
  4. Select Invoice and click OK to post the Sales Order for Invoice.
    The Sales Amount (Actual) field is updated in the Value Entries page based on the Unit Price of the Catch Weight calculated based on the Weight Qty. to Invoice (KG) added in the Sales Order.
    Based on the Weight Qty. to Invoice (KG) on the Sales Order line, the following data is updated.
    • Weight Qty. to Invoice (KG) on the Posted Sales Invoice
    • Quantity (KG) on the Posted Document Weight Lines of the Posted Sales Invoice
    • Invoice Quantity (KG) on the Item Weight Ledger Entries
      On the Posted Sales Invoice page, on the Lines FastTab, click the value in the Weight Quantity (KG) field to open the Posted Document Weight Lines page.
      On the Item Tracking Lines of the Sales Order, the Weight Qty. to Invoice [base] and the Weight Qty. Invoiced (KG) fields are updated.
      The Posted Sales Invoice is generated automatically and the Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Posted Sales Invoice is updated.

On Posting the Sales Order for the Invoice, the system updates the Unit Price based on the Weight Quantity to Invoice (similar to the function To Update Catch Weight Item Unit Price), while creating the Posted Sales Invoice with the corrected Invoice Amount.