Post Purchase Invoice

Article05/08/20232 min read

You can manually post a Purchase Invoice for a Catch Weight Item without the Purchase Order.


Based on the Receipt on Invoice toggle setup on the Purchases & Payables Setup, the Weight Quantity (KG) field is updated on the Posted Purchase Invoice and the Posted Purchase Receipt pages (if the Posted Purchase Receipt is generated). The Invoiced Quantity (KG) field is updated in the Item Weight Ledger Entry and the Posted Document Weight Lines are created.

While posting the Purchase Invoice, the Weight Quantity Invoiced (KG) field is updated on the Posted Purchase Receipt page. The Weight Quantity (KG) fieldon the Posted Purchase Invoice is updated.

When the Update Direct Unit Costs of Catch Weight item function is executed, the Direct Unit Costs and Line Amount fields are updated on the Purchase Line. Post the Purchase Invoice to generate the Item Ledger Entry with the updated Cost Amount (Actual) and Purchase Amount (Actual) fields. The Posted Purchase Invoice is updated with the corresponding Direct Unit Costs.


The Update Direct Unit Costs of Catch Weight item function is executed automatically if you miss to run the function before posting the Purchase Invoice.

The Invoice Quantity (KG) field on the Item Weight Ledger Entry is updated with the value of Weight Qty. to Invoice (KG) field from the Item Tracking Lines on the Purchase Invoice page.

The Weight Quantity (KG) field is updated on the Posted Purchase Invoice page based on the Weight Qty. to Invoice (KG) from the Purchase Invoice.

The Quantity (KG) field on the Posted Document Weight Lines is updated with the value in the Weight Quantity (KG) field from the Purchase Invoice. The Quantity Invoiced (KG) field and existing Posted Document Weight Lines are updated on the Posted Purchase Receipt page.


All Inbound Transactions on Sales Return Order, Sales Return Receipt and Sales Credit Memo follow the same functionality as described above in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt and Purchase Invoice respectively.