Post Item Reclassification Journal for Catch Weight Item

Article05/08/20232 min read

You can enter the Weight Quantity of the Catch Weight item in the Item Reclassification Journal.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Item Reclassification Journals, and then choose the related link.
    The Item Journal Template List page opens.
  2. Select RECLASS to open the Item Reclassification Journals page.
  3. On the action bar, select Line > Item Tracking Lines to open the Item Tracking Lines page.
  4. Select the AssistEdit Button on the Lot No. field and select the required Lot Number.
    The Item Tracking Lines are updated.
  5. Update the Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Item Tracking Lines page.
  6. Close the Item Tracking Lines page.
    For each Item Tracking Line, a Document Weight Line are created and updated. The Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Item Reclassification Journal Line is updated. You can access the Document Weight Lines by clicking the value in this field.
  7. On the Item Reclassification Journals page, on the action bar, select Post/Print > Post.
  8. Select Yes to post the Item Reclassification Journal Line.

The Item Ledger Entry for the Item Reclassification Journal Line and corresponding Item Weight Ledger Entry are created.


When the items are moved between the bins within the same location, on posting an Item Reclassification Journal, the Item Ledger Entry is not created. However, the Warehouse Entries are created. The Catch Weight items or weight quantities are not affected by this.