Output Journal Line for Catch Weight Item

Article08/07/20232 min read

You can create the Document Weight Lines for the Output Journal line using the following steps:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Output Journals, and then choose the related link.
    The Output Journals page opens.
  2. On the Lines FastTab, in the Order No. field, enter the required production order number. The Output Quantity and the Output Weight Quantity (KG) fields are updated based on the Net Weight of the Output Item.
  3. Open the Item Tracking Lines page. On assigning the lot, the Weight Quantity (KG) field on the Item Tracking Lines is updated.
  4. Close the Item Tracking Lines page.

On the Output Journal line, the Output Weight Quantity (KG) field is updated based on the value in the Document Weight Lines created.


Like in the Output Journal, the Output Weight Quantity (KG) field is updated based on the created Document Weight Line value.

To Post Output Journal Lines for Catch Weight Item

  1. On the Output Journal page, on the action bar, select Home > Post > Post.
  2. Select Yes to post the Output Journal line.

When posting the Output Journal lines for a Catch Weight Item, the Item Weight Ledger Entries containing the produced quantities expressed in the Catch Weight Unit of Measure are created. Also, the Document Weight Lines are updated on the Released Production Order Line to represent the correct weight values.

The Finished Weight Quantity (KG) (based on the Produced Weight Quantity), Remaining Weight Quantity (KG) (based on the Remaining Net Weight) fields on the Production Order lines are updated accordingly.


Document Weight Lines for Production Journal can be created, and the Output Journal Lines for the Catch Weight Item are posted by following the same instructions as mentioned in the Output Journal Line for Catch Weight Item topic.

To facilitate the revaluation of output costing for the negative output posting, the following checks occur when you perform the negative output posting for the Output Journal.

  • The Weight Quantity to Handle (KG) value must be equal to the Weight Quantity (KG) value on the Item Tracking Lines, that is, the average weight for the added Item No., Variant, Lot No., and License Plate No. for that location.
  • You cannot post the Output Journal for the Catch Weight item without updating the Appl.-to Item Entry field on the Item Tracking Lines.

The same checks occur when you perform the negative output posting for the Production Journal.