Set up item catch weight

Article • 4/3/2023 • 1 min read

You can define the upper and lower limit of the percentage variance for a catch weight item.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Item Catch Weight Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Item Catch Weight Setup page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click New to create a new entry.
  3. Fill in the Code field with a code representing the percentage variance of a catch weight item.
  4. Fill in the Allowed % Lower Limit with the lower limit in terms of the percentage up to which the catch weight of an item can vary. The lower limit percentage can be chosen as any value from 0 to 100.
  5. Fill in the Allowed % Upper Limit with the upper limit in terms of the percentage up to which the catch weight of an item can vary. The upper limit percentage can be chosen as any positive value starting from 0.
  6. Enable or disable the Fixed checkbox to specify whether the catch weight item has a fixed weight or a variance in weight. The allowed % lower and upper limit values will be cleared when the fixed checkbox is enabled and cannot be changed.

This Code defines the % upper and lower limit variances on the Catch Weight items.