Integration with Shop Floor Production

Article05/08/20233 min read

If you use the Aptean Food and Beverages Shop Floor Production application, you can post the consumption and output for the Catch Weight item.

Post Consumption for Catch Weight Item

You can post the consumption of the Catch Weight item from the Shop Floor Production app.

  1. On the Shop Floor Production app, open the Work Centre.

  2. Start the Production.

  3. Click the Input button.
    The Input register pop-up will be shown. On selecting the item, lot or license plating, the system suggests the average weight of the item to be consumed.

  4. Enter values on the Registered Quantity and Registered Weight Qty. (KG) fields.


    Like Business Central, the system checks for the upper and lower limits of an item based on the Item Catch Weight Setup.

  5. Click the Save button.

The Planned, Registered and Remaining field values are updated. While posting the Consumption Journal, Remaining Quantity, Remaining Weight Qty. (KG) and Act. Consumption (Qty) fields on the Prod. Order Components line page are updated.

While registering the consumption from the Shop Floor Production application, the weight quantity values on the Item Tracking Lines are updated on the Prod. Order Component lines along with the Document Weight Lines.


If the Unit of Measure (UoM) on the Production Order Component Line is not equal to the Base Unit of Measure, then the upper & lower limits are recalculated based on the UoM Conversion between the Catch Weight UoM and the UoM used on the Production Order Component line.

Post Output of Catch Weight Item

You can post the output of a Catch Weight item from the Shop Floor Production app.

  1. On the Shop Floor Production app, select a company.
  2. Select a Work Centre.
  3. Select the start Productionbutton.
    The Production Order page opens.
  4. Select the required Production Order.
  5. On the Production Order page, click the Output button.
  6. On the Output page, click the Register Output button. The output register pop-up will be shown. Here, the system suggests the average weight of the output item.
  7. Enter the value in the Quantity field.
  8. The Weight Quantity field is populated with the value based on the net weight of the value entered in the Quantity field.
  9. Click the Save button.

The Weight Quantity KG field is shown on the Output page only when the output item is a Catch Weight item.

In Business Central, while posting from SFP application along with the Quantity, the Weight Quantity (KG) field is also updated on the Shop Floor Production Registration Entries page and CDS Shop Floor Production Registration Entries page.

The Finished Weight Quantity (KG), Remaining Weight Quantity (KG) and Weight Quantity (KG) fields on the Production Order line are updated.


You can add weight quantity values to the labels for the Catch Weight items and print the correct labels using the Label Printer iconon the Output page.


Along with the Quantity of the Output you can also edit the Weight Quantity (KG) value of the output using the SFP’s correction functionality.