Functions on the Transfer Order

Article06/28/20232 min read

To Get Receipt Lines

On the Transfer Order page, on the action bar, select Prepare > Get Receipt Lines and then choose the required posted purchase receipt line. Along with the item tracking line information, the Posted Document Weight Lines and the weight quantity values of the Catch Weight item are updated from the Posted Purchase Receipt to the Transfer Order line.

To Get Bin Contents

On the Transfer Order page, on the action bar, select Prepare > Get Bin Contents. The system generates the document weight lines and updates the weight quantity fields on the item tracking lines with the average weights calculated based on the filter specified on the Bin Content Report Filter.


The system only takes into account the location and not the bin when suggesting the weight quantities for the item tracking lines because the Catch Weight items are specified based on location and not bin.

Undo Transfer Shipment

You can undo a posted transfer shipment line with the catch weight item using the Undo Shipment action on the Posted Transfer Shipment page. To know more about the Undo Shipment action, see Undo a transfer shipment. When the Undo Shipment action for the Catch Weight item is executed,

  • The system retains the weight quantity values of the item tracking lines during the negative posting of the document.
  • The system creates a new line on the Posted Transfer Shipment document with the negative quantity.
  • Along with the Item Ledger Entries, the system generates the negative Item Weight Ledger Entries with the corresponding weight quantities.
  • The Corrected checkbox is selected for the created item ledger entries and item weight ledger entries.

Finally, the Weight Quantity to Ship (KG) field and item tracking line values on the Transfer Order page are updated.


When you undo a transfer shipment from a warehouse location, in addition to the Posted Transfer Shipment, the Posted Warehouse Shipment is also updated with the corrected line along with its corresponding weight quantities.