Create Document Weight Lines for Warehouse Receipt Lines

Article05/08/20232 min read

The Document Weight Line captures the quantity expressed in the Unit of Measure for the Catch Weight Item and is linked to the Item Tracking Line. You can create the Document Weight Lines for the Warehouse Receipt Lines with the Catch Weight Item.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Receipts, and then choose the related link.
    The Warehouse Receipts list page opens.
  2. Select the required No. to open the Warehouse Receipt page.
    On the Warehouse Receipt page, the Weight Qty. to Receive (KG) and Weight Qty. Received (KG) fields are calculated from the Document Weight Lines and are non editable.
  3. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Item Tracking Lines for the Warehouse Receipt Line with the Catch Weight Item.
    In each Item Tracking Line of a Catch Weight Item, the non editable fields: Weight Quantity (KG), Weight Qty. Handled (KG),and the editable field Weight Qty. to Handle (KG) are available.
  4. On the Item Tracking Lines page, on the action bar, select Process > Assign Lot No. to create a new Lot.
  5. Change the Quantity (Base) and click on the function Assign Lot No. to update the values in the Item Tracking Lines page.
    The value in the Weight Qty. to Handle (KG) field is updated automatically based on the Net Weight of the item.
  6. Close the Item Tracking Lines page.
    The Weight Qty. to Receive (KG) is updated on the Warehouse Receipt Line.
  7. Click value on Weight Qty. to Receive (KG) field to open the Document Weight Lines for the Catch Weight item.