Create corrective item weight ledger entries

Article06/28/20231 min read

In regular transactions, when you post the Catch Weight item for shipment, the weight quantity you ship may be different from the exact weight you received. This can cause the inventory to show that some weight inventories are still left, even though you shipped everything. To avoid this, the system generates a corrective Item Weight Ledger Entry using the Adjust Weight – Item Weight Ledger Entries report.

  1. Open the Adjust Weight – Item Weight Ledger Entriesreport page.
  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the required fields.
  3. Select OK. The system creates an additional item weight ledger entry(s) to correct the remaining values on the Quantity (KG) field.

Once the Adjust Weight – Item Weight Ledger Entries batch job is executed, both the Weight Corrected checkbox on the Item Ledger Entries page and the Weight Correction checkbox on the Item Weight Ledger Entries page will be selected for both positive and negative entries.