Catch Weight Item on Inventory

Article05/08/20231 min read

You can view the weight quantity of the Catch Weight item in the Inventory (KG) field on Inventory FastTab on the following list and card pages:

  • Item Card
  • Stockkeeping Unit
  • Lot No. Information

By clicking the Inventory (KG) flow field, you can view the item weight ledger entries for the selected lot(s).

Onthe Item Card page, while using the Filters total by, catch weight items does not support the Global Dimension 1 Filter, Global Dimension 2 Filter, Drop Shipment Filter and Unit of Measure Filter.

On Stockkeeping Units page, while using the Filters total by, catch weight items does not support the Global Dimension 1 Filter, Global Dimension 2 Filter, Drop Shipment Filter and Date Filter and Bin Filter.

On the Lot No. Information page, while using the Filters total by, catch weight items does not support the Date Filter and Bin Filter.