What's new in version 2405.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


With this release of the Aptean Catch Weight extension,

  • The system updates the unit price and amount for catch weight items based on the weight quantity to ship on the document weight lines when posting a sales order for shipment. To know more, see To post sales order for shipment.
  • You can view the calculated values for catch weight items in the Weight Recalculation Factor, Unit Price (Converted) by Weight Factor, and Discount Value (Converted) by Weight Factor fields on the Applied Sales Price and Discount page. To know more, see Integration with Aptean Advanced Pricing.


The Aptean Catch Weight extension has been updated to integrate with the Aptean Trade Management extension. For more information, see Integrations.

UI/UX changes

The following fields are added to the Price Calculation FastTab of the Applied Sales Price and Discount page associated with the Blanket Sales Order, Sales Quote, Sales Order, Sales Order Achieve, Sales Invoice, Posted Sales Invoice, Sales Return Order, Sales Credit Memo, and Posted Sales Credit Memo pages.

  • Weight Recalculation Factor

  • Unit Price (Converted) by Weight Factor

  • Discount Value (Converted) by Weight Factor