Walkthrough: Using picks, or not, in production consumption

Article01/08/20243 min read

Customers consuming items in a location where a pick is required, are not always happy with the standard Business Central flow. This flow requires the pick, preventing to consume more than picked. To avoid being forced into creating a pick limiting the consumption quantity, we added setup on the location. Consumption can be posted immediately in the Released Production Order when using setup below.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
    The Locations list page opens.
  2. On the Locations list page, select the location.
    The Location Card page opens.
  3. On the Location Card page, on the Advanced Warehouse Management FastTab, turn on the Allow Prod. Cons. Without Pick toggle.

When you prefer to work with warehouse picks, which does not allow overconsumption, picking in Advanced Warehouse Management is only possible using Warehouse Template(s). To set this up:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the location PROD_OWM.
    The Location Card page opens.
  3. On the Location Card page, on the Warehouse FastTab, turn on the Require Shipment and Require Pick toggles.
  4. In the Prod. Consumption Whse. Handling field select the value Warehouse Pick (mandatory).
  5. On the Advanced Warehouse Management FastTab, turn off the Allow Prod. Cons. Without Pick toggle.
  6. Select the value 2_FULLMIX in the Pick Production Warehouse Template Group field.
  7. On the action bar, select Bins.
    The Bins page opens.
  8. On the action bar select New, to add a bin with Code PRODIN and Description Prod In, Code PRODOUT and Description Prod Out, and Code PRODFLOOR and Description Prod Floor.
  9. Select the value BULK in the Picking Group field for all codes from BREWHOUSE until PACKAGE 02.
  10. Close the Bins page.
  11. On the Location Card page, on the Bins FastTab, select the value PRODFLOOR in the Open Shop Floor Bin Code field, PRODIN in the To-Production Bin Code field, and PRODOUT in the From-Production Bin Code field.

To process this on a production order:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Released Production Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Release Production Orders list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Released Production Order page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, in the Source No. field select 1212.
  4. In the Quantity field enter 400.
  5. On the Posting FastTab, select PROD_OWM in the Location Code field and FIN_PROD in the Bin Code field.
  6. On the action bar select Home > Refresh Production Order action.
    The Refresh Production Order page opens.
  7. Click OK to refresh the released production order.
  8. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Components.
    The Prod. Order Components page opens.
  9. Change the Location Code field to PROD_OWM for all lines.
  10. Close the Prod. Order Components page.
  11. On the action bar select Home > Create Warehouse Pick.
    The Whse.-Source – Create Document page opens.
  12. On the Whse.-Source – Create Document page, on Options FastTab in Warehouse Template group, the required Warehouse Template Group, that is, 2_FULLMIX is already selected.
  13. Click OK to create the warehouse picks.
  14. Select Related > Order > Put-Away/Pick Lines/Movement Lines action.
    The Warehouse Pick Lines page opens.
  15. Select Show Document action.
    The Warehouse Pick page opens.
  16. Select the Lot No. for the lines (items).
  17. Select the Register Pick action.
    The pick is registered and the page closes.
  18. Close the Warehouse Pick Lines page.
  19. On the Released Production Order page, in the lines select Line > Production Journal.
    The Production Journal page opens.
  20. In the lines select Line > Production Journal.
    The Production Journal page opens.
  21. Select all lines except the line with item 7152.
  22. On the action bar, select Manage > Delete.
    All lines are deleted except for the line with item 7152.
  23. Enter 40 in the Consumption Quantity field.
  24. Check for the error message in the Consumption Quantity field.
  25. Refresh the page.
  26. On the action bar select Home > Post.
    The journal lines are posted.