Walkthrough: Using Item Shelf Live per Customer

Article04/02/20242 min read

Customer 95610 Fairway Sound Café LPN is a store. They want to have at least a shelf life of 1 year for item 1011, when we ship it.

Setup the Item Shelf Life per Customer

1. Select the Search icon , enter Item Shelf Life per Customer, and then choose the related link.
2. On the Item Shelf Life per Customer page, choose the New action.
3. Fill in line:

Customer No.TypeNo.Lot Exp. ValidationPeriod Calculation MethodPeriod Lot No. Expiration
12/05/2023801011Lot Exp. Periodby Date Formula1Y

Check the different Expiration date in the warehouse entries

4. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Entries, and then choose the related link.
5. Filter the Location Code field to be equal to SILVER.
6. Filter the Item No. field to be equal to 1011.
7. Check different bins with different Lot No’s and Expiration Dates.

Create a new sales order for this customer and this item from Location SILVER.

8. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
9. On the Sales Orders page, choose the New action.
10. In the Customer Name field, enter the No. 61000 (Fairway Sound Café).
11. In the Location Code field, enter SILVER.
12. Fill in line:


13. Select the Release action.
14. Select the Create Warehouse Shipment action. The Warehouse Shipment page opens.
15. Select the Create Pick action.
16. On the Whse.-Shipment - Create Pick page, select the Warehouse Template Code 2_FULLMIX.
17. Select the OK button. A new pick activity is created.
18. Select the Navigate and then Pick Lines action. The Warehouse Pick Lines list opens.
19. Select the Card action. The Warehouse Pick opens.
20. In the Lines, in the Lot No. field, select the oldest Lot No.
The error message explains you not to select a Lot No. with an expiration date, not in accordance with the Item Shelf Life per customer.

How to, exceptionally, pick this older Lot for the customer:

21. In the Lines, check the Allow Older Expiration Date fields, to allow you to pick an older Lot No.