Walkthrough: Process receipts with LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction

Article04/10/20246 min read

We ordered items from vendor 95820 Mortimor Brewery LPN and today we are receiving the order.

Check Setup

The vendor 95820 Mortimor Brewery LPN has no mandatory License Plate registrations.

Vendor 95820 will deliver 10 Pallets item 1512 MORTIMOR LAGER CASE 12X50CL FIFO LPN.

Item 1512 MORTIMOR LAGER CASE 12X50CL FIFO LPN has License Plate Mandatory, for all processes.

Now to check the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction.

We have 3 options:

  • Not Enabled: Standard BC, no restrictions
  • Multiple Lot Nos.: One License Plate can contain multiple Lot No.’s and the total quantity on the LPN, cannot be more than the quantity stipulated in the Item Unit of Measure with the code equal to the Default Pallet UOM on the Adv. Warehouse Setup.
  • Single Lot No.: One License Plate can contain only one Lot No.’s and the total quantity on the LPN, cannot be more than the quantity stipulated in the Item Unit of Measure with the code equal to the Default Pallet UOM on the Adv. Warehouse Setup.

Most companies will only want to receive one item, with one Lot No. per

License Plate No. The Single Lot No. option.
When those companies receive two Lot No.’s or items on one License Plate
Number, they divide the different items and Lot Nos on different License
Plates. Print and apply the correct labels to the license plates and
post them accordingly. This keeps the logic throughout the company, to
find only one item with one Lot No. on one License Plate in the

1. Select the Search icon , enter Adv. Warehouse Setup, and then choose the related link.
2. On the Adv. Warehouse Setup page, choose the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction field. It should be set to Single Lot No.

On the item we have a fourth LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction.

  • Setup (Default): the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction on the Adv. Warehouse Setup is taken into account for this item.

3. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
4. Select item 1512.
5. On the Advanced Warehouse Management FastTab, check the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction field, it should be Setup (Default). and the Adv. Warehouse Setup had Single Lot No.
6. Select the Units of Measure action.
7. Check the Qty. per Unit of Measure for the Code PAL, this should be 40.

Purchase Order to Receipt

Create a new purchase order.

8. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Orders, and then choose the related link.
9. On the Purchase Orders page, choose the New action.
10. In the Vendor Name field, enter the No. 95820 (Mortimor Brewery LPN).
11. In the Location Code field, enter SILVER.
12. Fill in lines:


13. Select the Release action.
14. Select the Create Whse. Receipt action. The Warehouse Receipt page opens.

For more information, please also check Receive items.

15. In the lines, choose the Item Tracking Lines action. The Item Tracking Lines page opens.

16. Fill in lines:

Lot NoExpiration DateQuantity (Base)

16. Select Close to close the page.

Because the vendor did not supply us any License Plate Numbers, we decided to create the license plate numbers ourselves.

17. In the lines, choose the License Plate Tracking action. The License Plate Tracking Entries page opens.
18. Select the first line.
19. Select the Open Plate Numbers action. The License Plate Reservation Entries page opens.
20. Select the Assign Plate Numbers action. The Assign License Plate Numbers page opens.
21. Select OK. A New License Plate is assigned to the Quantity of the Lot No.
22. Copy the License Plate Number.
23. Select Close. The License Plate Tracking Entries page opens.
24. Select the second line.
25. Select the Open Plate Numbers action. The License Plate Reservation Entries page opens.
26. Fill in line:

License Plate No.TypeQuantity (Base)Qty to Handle (Base)
Paste the copied license plate NumberEURO1010

27. Select Close. The License Plate Tracking Entries page opens.
28. Select the third line.
29. Select the Open Plate Numbers action. The License Plate Reservation Entries page opens.
30. Fill in line:

License Plate No.TypeQuantity (Base)Qty to Handle (Base)
Paste the copied license plate NumberEURO2020

31. Select Close.

We added tracking for 1 License Plate with 3 Lot Nos. and a total quantity of 50.

32. In the line, change the Qty. to Receive field to 50.
33. Select the Post Receipt action.
The error message explains you the License Plate Can only contain one Lot No.
34. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
35. Select item 1512.
36. In the FastTab Advanced Warehouse Management, change the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction field to Multiple Lot Nos.
37. Select Close.
38. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Receipts, and then choose the related link.
39. On the Warehouse Receipts page, select the No. The Warehouse Receipt opens.
40. Select the Post Receipt action.
The error message explains you not to exceed the quantity of the License Plate.
41. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
42. Select item 1512.
43. In the FastTab Advanced Warehouse Management, change the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction field to Multiple Lot Nos.
44. Select Close.
45. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Receipts, and then choose the related link.
46. On the Warehouse Receipts page, select the No. The Warehouse Receipt opens.
47. Select the Post Receipt action.
The error message explains you not to exceed the quantity of the License Plate.
48. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
49. Select item 1512.
50. In the FastTab Advanced Warehouse Management, change the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction field to Not Enabled.
51. Select Close.
52. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Receipts, and then choose the related link.
53. On the Warehouse Receipts page, select the No. The Warehouse Receipt opens.
54. Select the Post Receipt action.
55. The License Plate is posted. Number of put-away activities created: 1.
56. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
57. Select item 1512.
58. In the FastTab Advanced Warehouse Management, change the LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction field to Setup (Default).
59. Select Close.

Check Result

60. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Entries, and then choose the related link.
61. Sort Descending on the field Entry No. The last line will appear on top.
62. Select the Open Record action in the No. of Detail Entries field.
63. Clear the current filter.
64. Check the top 3 lines. They all have the same License Plate No.
65. Select the Open Record action in the License Plate No. field.
66. Please note that this pallet has 3 content lines.

Warehouse Put-away

For more information, please also check Warehouse Put-aways.

67. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Put-away, and then choose the related link.
68. Select the No. you want to process. This opens the Warehouse Put-away page.
69. Check the License Plate No. fields.
70. Change the Bin Code in the place lines to the bins where you putted the items.
71. Select the Register Put-away action.

Check Warehouse Entries and Detailed Warehouse Entries.