Walkthrough: How to avoid pickings on multiple quarantine and shipping bins

Article04/10/20243 min read

When using multiple docks and shipping bins, or quarantine bins, we want those bins to be protected against picks.

This means the Business Central Function Create Pick, should not consider any inventory on those bins and we should not be able to pick any inventory from those bins.

In this walkthrough we are creating a Quarantine Protected Status, link this status to a new bin and try to register a pick from this bin.

Create new status

1. Select the Search icon , enter Logistics Statuses, and then choose the related link.
2. On the Logistics Statuses page, select New.
3. Fill in line:

TypeCodeDescriptionDisplay Order
BinQUAR-PROQuarantine Protected5

4. Select the Open Record action, in the Allowed Back Steps field. This opens the Logistics Status Rules page.
5. On the Logistics Status Rules page, select New.
6. In the Status Code field, select the OPEN status.
7. Select the Open Record action, in the Allowed Next Steps. This opens the Logistics Status Rules page.
8. On the Logistics Status Rules page, choose the New action.
9. In the Status Code field, select the OPEN status.
10. Select the Exclude From Pick check box.
11. Select the Open Record action, in the Outbound Blocks field. This opens the Logistics Status Block Rules page.
12. On the Logistics Status Block Rules page, choose the New action.
13. Fill in lines:

DirectionEntry TypeWhse. DocumentReference

14. Close the Logistics Status Block Rules.
15. Select the line of the open status, Type Bin.
16. Select the Open Record action, in the Allowed Back Steps field. This opens the Logistics Status Rules page.
17. On the Logistics Status Rules page, choose the New action.
18. In the Status Code field, select the QUAR-PRO status.
19. Select the Open Record action, in the Allowed Next Steps. This opens the Logistics Status Rules page.
20. On the Logistics Status Rules page, choose the New action.
21. In the Status Code field, select the QUAR-PRO status.
22. Close the Logistics Statuses.

Link status to bin.

23. Select the Search icon , enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
24. Select the Location SILVER.
25. Select the Bins action. This opens the Bins page.
26. Select Bin Code S-01-0001.
27. Select the Set Bin Status action.
28. Select the Quarantine Protected status.
29. The status field in the list is changed to QUAR-PRO and the Exclude from pick is enabled.
30. Close the Bins and Locations.

Create a new sales order and pick to test.

31. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
32. On the Sales Orders page, choose the New action.
33. In the Customer Name field, enter the No. 61000 (Fairway Sound Café).
34. In the Location Code field, enter SILVER.
35. Fill in line:


36. Select the Release action
37. Select the Create Warehouse Shipment action. The Warehouse Shipment page opens.
38. Select the Create Pick action.
39. On the Whse.-Shipment - Create Pick page, select the Picking Template Code 2_FULLMIX.
40. Select the OK button. A new pick activity is created.
41. Select the Navigate Pick Lines action. The Warehouse Pick Lines list opens.
42. Select the Card action. The Warehouse Pick opens.
43. In the Take Line, change the Bin Code to S-01-0001.
The error message explains you that due to Validation Results, you are not allowed to register this Outbound transaction for bin “S-01-0001” with status “QUAR-PRO”!