Setting Up License Plate Tracking

Article04/12/20242 min read

Setting Up License Plate Tracking

As a warehouse manager, you want to be assured that license plate numbers are assigned or selected in transactions where you want that to happen. You also want to have insight in the history of license plate numbers, so you are able to explain what happened with for instance a pallet of beer that you purchased.

In Advanced Warehouse Management, you can define tracking codes with rules, where the rules represent the process step (movements) for the license plate number. By setting up these codes and rules, you can define when it is mandatory to use a license plate number. Transactions with a license plate will be registered in the Detailed Warehouse Entries, where you can view the history.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter License Plate Tracking Codes and then choose the related link.
  2. On the License Plate Tracking Codes page, select the New action.
  3. Enter a code and a description that represent the items, customers or vendors that you want to track with license plates.
  4. Select the Open Record action in the Inbound Rules field.
  5. On the License Plate Tracking Rules page, select the New action.
  6. Select the type for the rule in the Type field.
  7. Fill in the other fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read the tooltip.
  8. Create more rules as necessary.

The License Plate Tracking rules are to indicate every warehouse entry on which a License Plate No is mandatory.
Avoid inconsistent license plate content lines by defining License Plate Tracking Rules for every process.
When in a process the combined rules on a movement, of Item and Customer or Item and Vendor, do not cover the inbound and outbound process of this movement, the Detailed Warehouse entries for the missing rule will not be created, what means an inconsistency in the License Plate Content lines will appear.

See also

Walkthrough Processing picks for License Plate tracked items and customers