Setting Up Items and Stockkeeping Units for Advanced Warehouse Management

Article04/01/20241 min read

In the Advanced Warehouse Setup we have set a number of default settings. These values, such as License Plate Numbers and LPN Quantity Inbound Restriction, may differ per item. That is why we also find these settings on the items.

1. Select the Search icon , enter Items and then choose the related link.
2. Select the Item.
3. On Advanced Warehouse Management FastTab fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read the tooltip.

Some of these settings are taken over to the stock keeping units.

4. Select the Stockkeeping Units action, to open the Stockkeeping Units List.
5. Select the Stockkeeping Unit.
6. On the Advanced Warehouse Management FastTab fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read the tooltip.


The settings on the Item takes precedence over the settings on the advanced warehouse setup.
The settings on the Stockkeeping Unit takes precedence over the settings on the item.

See also

Walkthrough: Shipping License Plates to Location without bins, nor License Plate Tracking