Business process Walkthroughs

Article04/02/20242 min read

This selection of walkthroughs provides step-by-step, end-to-end business processes that you can perform using the Cronus DIT Demo demonstration company.


Create a copy of this company to keep your Cronus DIT Demo in the original state. In the copy you can do all the exercises that are included in the walkthroughs.


Drink-IT is available in multiple countries. For each country, a dedicated demo company is available. This country specific company contains setup that is specific for that country (VAT, excises, language, etc.). They are all based on the Business Central CRONUS company for that country. For that reason, names and codes in your Drink-IT demo company can differ from the ones used in the walkthroughs. Since the Drink-IT setup is the same for all the countries, the walkthroughs can be used in every country. In the country specific deviations, you can verify these deviations.

See also

Copy a company

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