Detailed warehouse entries

Article12/20/20231 min read
  1. Select the Search icon icon, enter Detailed Warehouse Entries, and then choose the related link.
  2. Check the list of all License Plate Movements.

The field No. of Detail Entries in the Warehouse Entries, is a direct link to all License Plate Numbers connected to the Warehouse Entry.


1. Select the Search icon , enter Adv. Warehouse Setup, and then choose the related link.
2. Check the fields in the Archiving fastTab. Hover over a field to read a short description.


Best Practice using the different retention periods on Detailed Whse. Entries.

  • Archiving history of a License Plate still in inventory, is mostly performed on license plates that have been in stock for a longtime.
  • Archiving history of shipped License Plate with no inventory anymore, can have a shorter retention period.

1. Select the Search icon , enter Detailed Warehouse Enries, and then choose the related link.
2. Choose the Archive Action.

Archive list
1. Select the Search icon , enter Detailed Warehouse Enries Archive, and then choose the related link.
2. Check the list of all Archived License Plates.
3. Select License Plate No. to get into the details.