What's new in version 20.202209.0.0
PBI No. | Description |
218539 | Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Worksheet |
221676 | Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Automatization of Registering and posting Return Lines |
226729 | Link Online Help Drink-IT Advanced Warehouse Management to the AWM App |
Resolved issues
PBI No. | Description |
221983 | Label Automation - Production - Able to print labels without tracking for a tracked item |
208526 | Label Automation Print Events - New Print Events |
208359 | Double creation of customs documents |
208529 | Send to Label Automation - No error message when no label is printed |
216320 | Detailed Warehouse Entries - Flow field Mixed/Full pallet |
218539 | Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Worksheet |
219430 | License Plate - License Plate Type Editable |
221675 | Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Get Bin Content |
221983 | Label Automation - Production - Able to print labels without tracking for a tracked item |
222120 | Registered Movements - No License Plate No. Field |
222124 | Warehouse Picks - No Picking Template fields |
223429 | Production Order - Output posting impossible and protect changing the License Plate Type |
223438 | Production Order Posting does not add License Plate Type |
223441 | Production Order - Report improvements |
223544 | Incorrect take and place LPN in Full pick |
224054 | Create Stock Keeping Units - License Plate tracking code from Item Card |
224937 | Undo Shipment needs to Undo the Detailed Whse. entries |
225840 | Auto Fefo does not include reservation entries well for locations with bins |
226129 | Label Automation - Prod Order - Add Production Order No to the dataset in Field DocumentNo |
226393 | Transfer Order - Not able to receive without warehouse receipt |
228167 | Commit transaction when sending a message to the print service |
PBI 218539 - Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Worksheet
Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration – Worksheet
As a warehouse employee, I want to be able to register the returnable items, I loaded, on a scanner, or immediately in Business Central, so the correct returned items are shipped and invoiced to the vendor.
The returnable items are always processed through a purchase order, so a purchase order is mandatory.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Standard view and then choose the related link.
- Choose the New action.
- Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Adv. Warehouse Setup and then choose the related link.
- On the Returnable Items Fasttab, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
- Document Lookup Period: Default date formula in the Returnable Item Journal.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Vendor and then choose the related link.
- Check the fields, used in the standard view filter, to be correct, if needed change.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Item and then choose the related link.
- Check the fields, used in the standard view filter, to be correct, if needed change.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Locations and then choose the related link
- Select the New action
- Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
- Setup this location without warehouse activities, only use Bin Mandatory
- Choose Bins in the Ribbon
- Add at least one bin with the field Is Returnable Bin checked.
- Add one bin which will be selected in Default Advanced Purchase Return To Bin.
- In the Location, select the bin in Default Advanced Purchase Return To Bin.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Locations and then choose the related link
- Select the location for which you want to add the functionality on the scanning device
- Add the Location to process the returnables to Returnable Item Location Code in the Fasttab Advanced Warehouse Management.
- Choose Configure OWM in the Ribbon
- Choose Modules on Scanner in the Ribbon
- Add the module Returnable items with the posting handler Register Empty Goods in the Fasttab Visibility and the display Module Returnable Items in the Fasttab Features.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Warehouse Employees and then choose the related link
- Add users to the necessary locations
- Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Recurring Purchase Lines and then choose the related link.
- Select the New action
- Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
PBI 221676 - Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Automatization of Registering and posting Return Lines
Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Automatization of Registering and posting Return Lines
As a warehouse employee, you want to be able to register the returnable items, you loaded, on a scanner and added to the Purchase or Purchase Return Order, so the correct returned items are shipped and invoiced to the vendor.
- Standard views
- Adv. Warehouse Setup
- Vendor
- Item
- Location
- Warehouse Employees
- Recurring Purchase Lines
PBI 226729 - Link Online Help Drink-IT Advanced Warehouse Management to the AWM App
AWM - Link Online Help Drink-IT Advanced Warehouse Management to the AWM App
To accommodate people in search of answer to their questions, the link to the Online Help Drink-IT Advanced Warehouse Management is provided in the Advanced Warehouse Management App.
On any device, use the question mark in the upper right corner to get to the Help. On all pages, use Ctrl+F1 on your keyboard to open the Help pane. On each tooltip and teaching tip, choose the Learn more link to open the Help pane where you find information about the current page and related tasks. In the section About apps on this page, choose the link Advanced Warehouse Management
PBI 221983 - Label Automation - Production - Able to print labels without tracking for a tracked item
Fix - Label Automation - Production - Able to print labels without tracking for a tracked item
As a Production Operator, you want to print License Plate labels for the production orders, so you can apply those labels on the license plates.
To avoid printing incomplete labels, you need an error when trying to print labels for items, with item tracking, when no item tracking was applied in the production order.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Advanced Warehouse Mgmt. Connector Setup and then choose the related link.
- Choose the Actions action.
- Select Label Automation.
- Select Setup.
- Select Label Setup.
- Add a new Label.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Advanced Warehouse Mgmt. Connector Setup and then choose the related link.
- Choose the Actions action.
- Select Label Automation.
- Select Setup.
- Select Print Events.
- Add a new Print Event.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Process for Released Production Order Line(s) and then choose the related link.
- Open a Released Production Order.
- Select one line.
- Action Line.
- Action Send To Label Automation. When multiple Label Automation print events applicable, a selection list let you select the desired one, else you will immediately go to the Report.
- Enter Number of labels.
- Check the License Plate Type, if needed, it can only be changed in the Released Production order line.
- Enter the Quantity per LPN (Default: Full License Plate quantity).
- The labels will be printed.
When no Lot No. and/or Exp. Date are entered in the Item Tracking of the Production Order Line and the item mandatory needs Item Tracking, an error message will appear and no labels will be printed.
PBI 208526 - Label Automation Print Events - New Print Events
Label Automation Print Events - New Print Events
Aa a Warehouse Employee, you want to be able to print labels from any warehouse document or warehouse related master data, so you can apply those labels within your warehouse processes.
When not all necessary tracking information is added to the warehouse document lines, no labels will be printed.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Advanced Warehouse Mgmt. Connector Setup and then choose the related link.
- Choose the Actions action.
- Select Label Automation.
- Select Setup.
- Select Label Setup.
- Add a new Label.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Advanced Warehouse Mgmt. Connector Setup and then choose the related link.
- Choose the Actions action.
- Select Label Automation.
- Select Setup.
- Select Print Events.
- Add a new Print Event.
PBI 208359- Label Automation - Print Events
Label Automation - Print Events
As a Warehouse Manager, you want to setup the different printers in the different locations to the different BC users, so all your warehouse employees are printing the correct labels on the correct label printers
- Select the Search icon
, enter Advanced Warehouse Mgmt. Connector Setup.
- Select the Actions action.
- Select Label Automation.
- Select Setup.
- Select Print Events
To create different lines for the same print event, you can use the following fields:
- Type: All, User Specific, Group Specific
- User: to select the user
- Group Code: to select the group
- Location Code
The Logic behind the selection
First, filter on the Print Event
Secondly, filter on the location, if no lines found filter on empty.
Thirdly, Filter on the user, if no lines found filter on Group, if no lines found filter on “All”.
PBI 208529 - Send to Label Automation - No error message when no label is printed
Send to Label Automation - No error message when no label is printed
When no print message is send out to the label automation, you do not get a warning nor an error, so you don’t know if you didn’t print.
This issue is fixed
The action Send to Label Automation will check if the correct Item and License Plate Tracking is added to the lines to print. It will only print the labels for the quantities on the lines with the correct tracking.
If nothing to print it will issue an error message.
PBI 216320 - Detailed Warehouse Entries - Flow field Mixed/Full pallet
Detailed Warehouse Entries - Flow field Mixed/Full pallet
As a warehouse manager you would like to have a quick overview in the detailed warehouse entries if a pallet is full or mixed, so that you can easily identify the different type of pallets.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Detailed Warehouse Entries.
- Check the field Mixed Pallet.
PBI 218539 - Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Worksheet
Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration – Worksheet
As a warehouse employee, you want to be able to register the returnable items, you loaded, on a scanner, or immediately in Business Central, so the correct returned items are shipped and invoiced to the vendor.
This PBI is specific about the Worksheet function to register the items in Business Central
PBI 219430 - Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration - Get Bin Content
Fix - License Plate - License Plate Type Editable
There are occasions when you want to change the License Plate Type of a license plate. To provide this, we made this field editable on the License Plate Card.
PBI 221675 - License Plate - License Plate Type Editable
Purchase Returns - Empty goods registration – Worksheet
As a warehouse employee, you want to be able to register the returnable items, you loaded, on a scanner, or immediately in Business Central, so the correct returned items are shipped and invoiced to the vendor.
This PBI is specific about the Get Returnable Items action to add the returnable items in the Purchase Order.
PBI 221983 - Label Automation - Production - Able to print labels without tracking for a tracked item
Fix - Label Automation - Production - Able to print labels without tracking for a tracked item
As a Production Operator, you want to print License Plate labels for the production orders, so you can apply those labels on the license plates.
To avoid printing incomplete labels, you need an error when trying to print labels for items, with item tracking, when no item tracking was applied in the production order.
PBI 222120 - Registered Movements - No License Plate No. Field
Registered Movements - No License Plate No. Field
As a warehouse manager, when checking the registered movement, you want to be able to check upon the LPN’s, so you am completely informed about the movements.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Registered Warehouse Picks and then choose the related link.
- Check License Plate No. Field on the Lines
PBI 222124 - Warehouse Picks - No Picking Template fields
Warehouse Picks - No Picking Template fields
As a warehouse manager, you want to be able to check, sort and filter on the different Picking Template groups and codes within the different picks, so you can create the list according to my criteria.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Warehouse Picks or Registered Warehouse Picks and then choose the related link.
- Use the Personalize function on the right side in your main menu bar, to add the desired fields.
PBI 223429 - Production Order - Output posting impossible and protect changing the License Plate Type
Fix - AWM - Production Order - Output posting impossible and protect changing the License Plate Type
When posting output using Advanced Warehouse Management an incorrect error appeared. When changing the License Plate Type on a Released Production order line, on which already output was posted, no warning was issued. These issues are fixed.
PBI 223438 - Production Order Posting does not add License Plate Type
Fix - AOW - Production Order Posting does not add License Plate Type
When posting output using the OWM 6 App on Android in combination with Advanced Online Warehouse Management, the License Plate Type from the Released Production Order Line was not added to the new License Plate. This is fixed.
PBI 223441 - Production Order - Report improvements
Fix - AWM - Production Order - Report improvements
The field License Plate Type is editable in the Report, when using Send to Label Automation. This is not allowed, when changing to another License Plate Type, this needs to be changed in the Production Order Line. The Report, when using Send to Label Automation, will print labels with full License Plate quantity, when no quantity is entered (=0). To avoid mistakes, we want the full License Plate Quantity to be displayed in the Report, so we are aware about which quantity will be used on the labels. A License Plate Type is mandatory before sending Labels to the label automation. These issues are fixed.
PBI 223544 - Incorrect take and place LPN in Full pick
Fix - AWM - Incorrect take and place LPN in Full pick
To avoid incorrect inventory, due to incorrect setup, the pick needs to be protected from incorrect registration. For this we added a test in the pick registration that for the full pick the take and the place LPN are the same, when the involved LPN Tracking rules have mandatory inbound and outbound pick.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Adv. Warehouse Setup and then choose the related link.
- Enable the Boolean Full Pick Bal. Check on PickReg.
- Select the Search
icon, enter License Plate tracking rules and then choose the related link.
- Filter on:
- Type: Item
- Code: All the codes in which picking is mandatory Certainly, have following lines in the filtered list for each code:
- Direction: Inbound
- Entry Type: Movement
- Whse. Document Type: Shipment
- Reference Document: Pick And
- Direction: Outbound
- Entry Type: Movement
- Whse. Document Type: Shipment
- Reference Document: Pick
- When trying an unauthorized pick, because of the incorrect setup, using incorrect LPNs, an error message will be displayed.
PBI 224054 - Create Stock Keeping Units - License Plate tracking code from Item Card
Fix - AWM - Create Stock Keeping Units - License Plate tracking code from Item Card
As a Warehouse Manager, you want the License Plate tracking code from Item Card to be passed on the Stock keeping Unit, when creating, so we keep the same License Plate tracking code for this item. These issue is fixed, on creating an Stock keeping unit, the License Plate Tracking Code is passed on.
PBI 224937 - Undo Shipment needs to Undo the Detailed Whse. entries
Fix - AWM - Undo Shipment needs to Undo the Detailed Whse. Entries
When handeling the Undo shipment, the detailed whse entries were not created. Also the License Plate Status was left on the shipped Status.
Both issues are fixed. The Detailed Warehouse Entries are handled and the status is changed to the desired status. To get the correct status we need to add this status in the Adv. Warehouse Setup.
- Select the Search icon
, enter Adv. Warehouse Setup and then choose the related link.
- Add the correct status to the Status Undone License Plate field.
PBI 225840 - Auto Fefo does not include reservation entries well for locations with bins
What When selecting lot nos in the sales order (as well as in the prod. order components page and production journal) by the Assign Tracking by FEFO function, it did not take into account well lot nos that were assigned in a previous order. In the case of a location with bins mandatory. That has been corrected.
PBI 226129 - Label Automation - Prod Order - Add Production Order No to the dataset in Document No. field
Fix - AWM - Label Automation - Prod Order - Add Production Order No to the dataset in Field DocumentNo
When sending a label to the label automation from a production order line, the DocumentNo was not added.
This is fixed, the DocumentNo is added in the dataset.
PBI 226393 - Transfer Order - Not able to receive without warehouse receipt
Fix - AWM - Transfer Order - Not able to receive without warehouse receipt
When posting receive on a location without a Cancel bin stipulated, you got an unclear error.
This is fixed, using a new error message: “Cancel Bin code must have a value in Location= . It cannot be zero or empty.”
PBI 228167 - Commit transaction when sending a message to the print service
AWM Fix - Commit transaction when sending a message to the print service
When mass sending labels to the label printers, some other labels, send on the same moment are not send, nor printed.
This issue is fixed.