The fast order entry page

Article12/05/20233 min read

The Order Entry page can be opened from a standard sales order. Next to the Order Entry action, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N is available to open the page. Some of the benefits to use the Order Entry page instead of the Sales Order Page are listed below:

Performance. The Order Entry page is only executing the absolute necessary validations. This limits the calculation time enormously.

•Relevant account receivable information is shown in the Customer Details FactBox.

•In the Quick Entry FastTab, you can just type the item, quantity and, not mandatory, a reason code. A new line is automatically created in the Line section. When a line already exists for the Item, the existing line will be updated.

•When you select an Item, you only see the allowed items for the customer.

•The Item Availability is directly shown by the color of the line (Green for available, Red for not available).

•For each item in the lines, the Sales History of four user defined historical periods is visible in a FactBox. With Personalize, it is also possible to add this info to the lines.

•The Line Detail FactBox shows all necessary information for the Item.

Substitution Items can be select with one click or keyboard shortcut.

•Useful Filters are available in the Options FastTab. This enables for instance to switch from one product list to another (first the beers, then the wines, etc.).

Sorting options will help you to keep the overview on the order.

•With the use of the Search icon at the top of the page, you can reduce the number of lines in the list. To search, just choose the Search action, and then in the box, type the text that you’re looking for. You can enter letters, numbers, and other symbols.

  • In general, search will attempt to match text across all fields. It doesn’t distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters (case insensitive) and will match text placed anywhere in the field, at the beginning, end, or in the middle.

•In the Alerts FastTab. you can view:

  • New Items
  • Seasonal Items
  • Promotions
  • Discounts and Charges

•In the Lines section, you can view alerts for

  • Cross-sell (if you buy gin, do you also need tonic?)
  • Upsell (if a product with a low margin is ordered, recommend for a similar product with higher margin)
  • Promotions
  • Discounts and Charges

•In the Logistics FactBox, you can see info on delivery times and nonworking days.

•When choosing Show more on the Options FastTab, you can view and edit shipment details in the Logistics section.

•With the Apply Changes action, you can inform your customer on the (intermediate) order total and transfer the lines to the sales order page. You will still be able to execute changes on the existing lines, they will be synchronized.

See also

Sell Products