ASM training - Calling list (Telesales)

Article12/05/20235 min read

Many companies in the beverage industry call their customers pro-actively to take their orders. This is done with a recurring pattern, like once per week, on the same day and time. In the Aptean Beverage Advanced Sales Management, you can create and maintain calling lists. Sales operators can do their job from that calling list.

Exercise 1- Setup a customer for a calling list

Our new customer The Red Lion wants to be delivered each week on Wednesday. Our TEAM1 will call them on Tuesday 10:00 AM to take the order. Our first call will be on January 25th 2022. We should call the customer before 11:00 AM.

  1. Create the Call Schedule and the Call Entries until the end of the year with the use of the action on the Customer Card.
  2. Verify the entries. Check your filters if the result is not as expected.
  3. Make yourself a member of the Call Entry Group TEAM1.

Exercise 2 - Execute the call with the customer

Today it is Tuesday January 25th 2022. Reopen your Business Central client with that date.

1. Open the list with call entries. Show the system filters that explain which entries are now visible for you. Why does the system set these filters?

Yesterday’s call entries are still open. We are going to make the call with the Selangorian Pub.

2. Open the Order Entry page from that entry. Is the message that pops-up clear to you? Continue by creating a new order.

3. There is a notification on the order entry page. Our sales rep promises free glasses and t-shirt during his last visit. Add them to the order.

4. Lines for the POS materials are added in green. This means that we have enough of them in stock. Where can you see the availability of these items?

5. In the beginning of the call, we Inform the customer about our new and seasonable items. He is interested in your seasonable item and orders 10 of them. Register this in the Quick Entry FastTab. Do this with the “Search As You Type” selected and unselected. Our assumption is that users will set this field according to their own preferences.

6. The customer is ordering while he is in his storage. He always starts his order with the beers. The recurring sales line BEER-PREM is automatically inserted. What happens if you register more than the Item Availability for an item? And what when you register a quantity on the EASTER WHITE beer that we created in the recurring sales exercise?.

7. Next, the customer will order his soft drinks and waters. Get that list in the entry.

8. We can make our live easier by setting the filter for this list in the Recurring Sales Code field in the Options FastTab. Set this filter and register some quantities.

9. The Selangorian Pub also has a specific list that includes products that we don’t sell by standard to pubs. Get that list in the entry and filter on it.

10. In a customer specific list, we can arrange the sorting of the items while we are on the phone with the customer. Try out the Move Up and Move Down actions.

11. The pub owner wants to know the order totals for this order. Apply your changes and use the FactBox to inform him.

12. Add a line for Item 1000 BEER CRONUS PREMIUM BOTTLE 33CL with 1.000 Quantity:

  • A message will pop-up with the question: Do you want to add this item to a recurring sales code? You can answer the question to your choice. The reason for this question is coming from setup on the customer card. Which field is that?
  • There is not enough inventory for this item, but there is a substitutions available. A message will pop-up with the question: Do you want to use the substitute for the missing inventory? Try out both answers and then explain the result in the order.

13. In the Sales History FactBox, you can see the quantities sold in 4 periods for the item in the selected line:

  • Why is this important information for the sales operator?
  • You can change the length of the periods. Try this out.

14. Include all recurring sales lines for the Selangorian Pub in the order entry page. The list of items is now a long list. In some projects, the list of products is even much longer. Still, you are able to find for instance all “water” items in the list. How would you do this?

15. The customer that you are calling might request to receive the goods on another day. You can do this in the Shipment Date field.

16. When you finished the order registration, you can close the page and apply the changes. What you registered in the order entry page was registered in a temporary table. By applying changes, all changes are synced to the sales order.

17. The call entry where you started from is now closed and not visible on the list anymore. By changing filters on the page, you can make it visible again.

  • Verify the call entry where you started from.
  • Can you find the sales order from the entry?
  • Can you explain why the Status is ORDER?