ASM training - Sales alerts

Article12/06/20233 min read

Sales Alerts

When you sell products to customers, you want to optimize your sales. Whether you sell from a web shop, or in a tele-sales call, you want to give service, and seduce your customers to purchase. The Aptean Beverage Advanced Sales Management includes tools that can be used for this purpose:

Sales Product Notifications

  • New product: When you introduce a new product, you might want to notify your customers for that during a certain period.
  • Seasonal product: if you have products that are only sold during a certain period (Christmas Beer), you might want to notify your customers for the product during that period.
  • Cross-sell product: if product A (Gin) is often sold in combination with product B (Tonic), you can bring that to the attention of the customers,
  • Upsell product: if you sell multiple comparable products (Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola), you might prefer one of them to sell to your customers. For instance, because your margin on Pepsi Cola is higher than Coca Cola). You might want to be able to ask customers that order Coca Cola to buy Pepsi Cola instead.

Sales Condition Notifications

In the Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase conditions, you can setup discounts, charges and free products for customers. In the Aptean Beverage Sales-Purchase Condition Training, you learn how to set them up. On the Call Entry page in the Aptean Beverage Advanced Sales Management you can be notified for the conditions that are applicable for a customer, and for a customer/item combination. There is no additional setup is necessary for this.

Preparation for this exercise:

  • Change the Status of Sales and Purchase Condition Rules No. 46 and No. 65 to Certified.

Exercise 1 - Create items with notifications

  1. Create a New item and a Seasonal item during January 2022, both with the use of Item Template 450 Finished products – beer.
  2. Notify your new item for Cross-sell opportunity with Item 5033 CRONUS beer glass 33CL (POS).
  3. Notify your seasonal item for Upsell opportunity with Item 1010 BEER CRONUS PREMIUM CRATE 24X33CL.
  4. Create a new sales order for the new customer The Red Lion. View New Items and Seasonal Items. Do you see your items?
  5. Add both items with a quantity to the order.
  • Do you see the Sales Alerts for Cross-sell and upsell?
  • The lines that you created for the New and Seasonal item are in red color (Unfavorable). What does this mean?
  • What other colors are supported and what do they mean?
  1. How many promotions are in place for this customer?
  2. Calculate Condition Alerts for the page. For which Item is there a promotion available?