Walkthrough: Executing a tele sales call

Article12/06/20232 min read

The Customer 20000 is a pub. Each Monday, the Call Entry Group TEAM1 calls the customer to take the order for the shipments on Tuesday. The KEG beers are the main products that they buy, so this list is automatically inserted on the Order Entry page. Besides this beer, they also can order soft drinks and waters. This is a manual list.

  1. Set your work date to January 24th 2022.

  2. Make yourself member of Call Entry Group TEAM1.

  3. Search for Call Entries (optional, bookmark this page).

  4. Select the entry for customer 20000 and choose the Create Order action.

  5. If a popup is shown with an existing order alert, choose Create new order.

  6. In the new sales order, choose the Order Entry action (Ctrl+Alt+N) to open the order entry page. Hover over a field to read a short description.

    The lines for the beers are already available in the lines. The Sales Operator only needs to key in Quantity.

    The sales rep promised the customer free glasses and t-shirts. A blanket order was created for this purpose.

  7. Choose the Get Blanket Order Lines action.

  8. Select the lines that you want to add to the order.

  9. Key in some quantities in the lines. Notice the colors that indicate the item availability:

    • Favorable (Bold + Green): the full quantity is available.
    • Ambiguous (Yellow): the quantity is partially available.
    • Unfavorable (Bold + Italic + Red): there is nothing available.
  10. Execute the Apply Changes action.

    • The order totals are calculated and visible in the Order Details FactBox.

      You can use this function for instance when the customer wants to know the intermediate total.

    Now that the beer list is finished, we can continue with the soft drinks and water.

  11. Execute the Get Recurring Sales Lines action, select SOFT and press OK.

    • New lines are added. You can filter them out by setting the Recurring Sales Code Filter.
    • Enter quantities and continue the process as before.
  12. Your call is finished. Close the order entry page and apply your changes. Release the order and it is ready for shipment.

  13. Close the order and notice that the call entry is not open anymore. It is closed with the Close Call Status from the Advanced Sales Management Setup.