ASM training - Exclusivity

Article12/06/20233 min read

Not all the products that we sell are meant to be sold to all customers. For instance the CANNON beer. We produce it specifically for the Cannon Group, a wholesaler. It is not for sale to any other customer:

Item 1410 BEER DRINKS (CANNON) LABEL TRAY 6X33CL CAN is an exclusive item

At the same time, customers can be exclusive; they can for instance be bonded by a contract with a producer that does not allow them to buy beers that are not produced by that producer, or for an on premise customer that should buy beers in keg and not in bottle.

Customer 40000 Deerfield Drinks is a discount retailer. The producers of our imported beers don’t want them to be used as a sales channel for our products.


Exclusive items can only be sold to customers that are allowed to buy it.

Exclusive customers can only buy items that they are allowed to buy.

Exercise 1 – Sell to an exclusive customer

Our sales team signed an agreement with a new Customer, The Beer Merchants. We will only sell them the products from the Beer – retail list. They are not allowed to buy any other product.

  1. Create a new customer with template CUST000001 Customer DOMESTIC Tax Paid.
  2. Make the customer an Exclusivity Customer.
  3. Add the Beer – retail list and make sure it is automatically inserted on the order entry page..
  4. Verify that the customer has 8 Allowed Items and 0 Allowed Exclusive Items.
  5. Create a sales order for the customer.
  6. Can you sell an item that is not allowed for the customer, for instance Item 1050?
  7. Now, open the order entry page and try the same. What is the difference?

Exercise 2 - Sell an exclusive item

For the CANNON Group, we already produce their private label beer in 33CL cans. We will now also produce the same product in 50CL cans.

  1. Create a new item BEER DRINKS (CANNON) LABEL TRAY 6X50CL CAN by copying item 1410. Select ITEM1 as Target No. Series. Adjust fields as necessary.
  2. Verify:
    • The item is exclusive
    • The item is not included in any standard sales code.
  3. Include the item in the customer specific recurring sales lines for The Cannon Drinks Group.
  4. Create a sales order for customer 10000 and open the Order Entry page.
  5. Do you see the new item in the product list?
  6. When we have the customer on the phone, we want to take the quantities for this new product directly at the beginning of the call. Use the Move Up action to effectuate this.