Manually change purchase price and/or discount

Article09/20/20232 min read

Not in all cases, the prices that are suggested by the Advanced Pricing logic are correct in the eyes of the person registering the transaction. Setup can be missing, or a vendor may want to deviate from general pricing to satisfy a company in the trading process for example. Therefore, it is possible to overrule/change the prices that are suggested by the system.

When manually changing the price or discount, recalculation factors are altered, and the applied purchase price line/discount line is identified as Manually Specified. The price and discount will be frozen, i.e.: they will not automatically change anymore when, for example the order quantity or UoM in the purchase price line is adjusted.

Manually change the Purchase Price

  1. On the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page, on the action bar, click Manual Price.
  2. On the Change Applied Direct Unit Cost page, enter Direct Unit Cost, e.g., “11.00”.
  3. Click the lookup button in the Unit of Measure Code field. If required, change the unit of measure in which the manual price is registered on the Item Units of Measure page.
  4. Select and click the required Code.
  5. Select another unit of measure, if necessary, and click OK. Optionally, these additional details can be added on the Change Applied Unit Price page.
  6. Enter Currency Code.
  7. Turn on the Allow Invoice Disc. toggle.
  8. Turn on the Allow Line Disc. toggle.
  9. Turn on the Price Includes VAT toggle.
  10. Click OK.
  11. On the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page, on the Applied Purchase Price Line FastTab:
    • The field Originated From has automatically changed to Manually Specified to indicate that the price from the system setup is overruled.
    • The price line is Frozen.
    • The Direct Unit Cost has changed to “11.00”.

Manually change the Discount

  1. On the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page, on the action bar, click Manual Discount.
  2. On the Change Applied Line Discount page, enter the Line Discount % with the required value, e.g., “6.00”.
  3. Click OK.
  4. On the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page, on the Applied Purchase Price Line FastTab:
  • The field Originated From has automatically changed to Manually Specified to indicate that the discount from the system setup is overruled.
  • The discount line is Frozen.
  • The Discount Value has changed to “6.00”.

The values you update through the Manual Price and Manual Discount actions on the purchase documents are updated to the applied sales price and discount fields on the purchase document lines based on the configuration on the Advanced Pricing Setup page and vice versa.