Freeze and unfreeze purchase price and discount

Article09/20/20233 min read

In some cases, the company may want to manually freeze a purchase price/discount, just to make sure that changes in order characteristics (e.g., changing the order quantity) or pricing setup will not affect the price/discount that eventually will be invoiced by the vendor. The (un)freezing of purchase prices and discounts works for all the following order types:

  • Purchase order
  • Purchase return order
  • Purchase invoice
  • Purchase credit memo
  • Purchase quote
  • Blanket purchase order

Automatically Freeze Purchase Price and Discount

In some situations, the purchase price and discount must be automatically pinned (frozen) so that a new price is not accidentally picked up as soon as a change occurs on the purchase price line. For example, when using the Get Receipt Lines function from the purchase invoice line, the price that is registered on the accompanying purchase order line is copied to the purchase invoice. However, if the person creating the invoice changes the quantity (e.g., because the vendor provides a partial invoice) the price will be validated against the price lines and possibly overwritten. As this is unwanted in almost all cases, the price and discount that exist for the purchase invoice line are automatically set as Frozen for the applied purchase price and discount.

Besides the Get Receipt lines function, a number of functions exist in the system that creates new purchase order lines based on existing purchase order lines (for example function copy document) in which it is favorable that the original price is copied initially and maintained in case of quantity change. This works similar for all of the following functions:

  • Get Receipt lines from the Purchase Invoice
  • Get Posted Document lines to reverse from Purchase Return Order or Purchase Credit Memo
  • Make Order executed from Purchase Quote or Blanket Purchase Order
  • Select Blanket Purchase Order Number on Purchase Order Line
  • Correct, cancel, create return related document or create corrective credit memo
  • Move negative lines

Copy document except for executing the function with Recalculate Lines checkbox selected: in this case the direct unit cost is validated again by the Advanced Pricing logic.

Also, when Direct Unit Cost on the purchase price line is entered manually, Manual Price and Manual Discount from Applied Purchase Price and Discount page is executed, the purchase price line is set to Frozen. This is designed so that whenever the purchase prices are manually changed by the user, his/her intention is to keep this price in all cases.

Manually Unfreeze Purchase Price and Discount

The price and discount can be frozen manually as well. This can be done from the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page.

  1. On the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page, on the action bar, click Freeze Price & Discount.

The purchase price line on the Applied Purchase Price Line FastTab shows that the purchase price is frozen since the Frozen checkbox is selected.

The discount line on the Applied Purchase Discount Line FastTab shows that the purchase discount is frozen since the Frozen checkbox is selected.

The price and discount can be unfrozen manually as well. This can also be done from the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page.

  1. On the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page, on the action bar, click Unfreeze Price & Discount.

The purchase price line on the Applied Purchase Price Line FastTab shows that the purchase price is not frozen since the Frozen checkbox is cleared.

The discount line on the Applied Purchase Discount Line FastTab shows that the purchase discount is not frozen since the Frozen checkbox is cleared.