Advanced pricing setup

Article09/20/20237 min read

The Advanced Pricing Setup page enables you to set up the fields that allow you to modify the price and apply discounts on the sales or purchase lines directly using Advanced Pricing as the Price Calculation Method.

To set up the Advanced Pricing, follow the below procedure:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Advanced Pricing Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Advanced Pricing Setup page opens.

  2. On the Sales FastTab, turn on the Allow Direct Sales Line Price Update toggle to be able to modify the applied price or discount directly on the sales lines.
    This is applicable only when the Price Calculation Method is set as Advanced Pricing.

  3. In the Sales Line Update Influence field, select one of the following options.

Unit PriceThe unit price indicates the special applied price will override the entire pricing of the item.
Trade Base PriceThe trade base price indicates that the Applied Unit Price entered will undergo additional changes through the trade plans.

This field is visible only if the Aptean Trade Management extension is installed.

  1. In the Default Applied Discount Method field, select one of the following options:
PercentageThe applied discount is indicated in percentage.
AmountThe applied discount is indicated in decimal values.

The selected option will be applied to the item on the sales line if it does not have a default value from the sales price list.

The Sales Line Update Influence and Default Applied Discount Method fields are editable only when the Allow Direct Sales Line Price Influence toggle is turned on.

  1. On the Purchase FastTab, turn on the Allow Direct Purchase Line Cost Update toggle to be able to modify the applied direct unit cost or discount directly on the purchase lines.

The Advanced Pricing Setup is complete now.

With Allow Direct Sales Line Price Influence toggle turned on

You can directly modify the values of the applied price and discount fields on the Sales order lines. These fields can be customized through personalization. The fields are:

  1. Applied Unit Price
  2. Applied Price Unit of Measure Code
  3. Applied Discount Method
  4. Applied Discount Value
  5. Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code

However, the Applied Unit Price, Applied Price Unit of Measure Code, and Applied Discount Value fields are only editable, when

i) Advanced Pricing is being used as the Price calculation method.

ii) The Allow Direct Sales Line Price Influence toggle on the Advanced Pricing Setup page is turned on.

The Applied Discount Method and Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code values are not editable.

The following steps describe how to fill the fields:

  1. The Applied Unit Price field automatically inherits the value from the Unit Price field on the Applied Sales Price line. If this field is blank, then the Applied Unit Price field will also be empty.

    This is influenced by the option selected in the Sales Line Update Influence field on the Advanced Pricing Setup page: Unit Price or Trade Base Price.

    1. When Unit Price is selected, The entered value will update the Unit Price field on the Applied Sales Price Line, and then trigger a price update in the Unit Price Excl. VAT field on the Sales Lines. The Currency Recalculation Factor field value is recalculated and updated based on the value entered.

    2. When Trade Base Price is selected, The entered value will serve as the base price, and the trade line will be recalculated accordingly. This is possible only when the Aptean Trade Management extension is installed. The value entered in the Applied Unit Price field is expressed in Applied Unit of Measure Code. If the Applied Unit of Measure Code is different from the value on the sales line, then the Unit Price Excl. VAT is recalculated internally using the Unit of Measure Code conversion.

    When you change this value on the Applied Sales Price Line through Manual Price action, the same values are inherited to the field on the Sales Order Lines.

  2. The Applied Price Unit of Measure Code field automatically inherits the value from the Unit of Measure Code field on the Applied Sales Price Line. When you change this value, the Unit Price Excl. VAT field value also gets updated accordingly.

  3. The Applied Discount Method field value automatically inherits the value from the Discount Method field on the Applied Line Discount page. The options are Percentage or Amount.

  4. In the Applied Discount Value field, enter the desired decimal value.

    This automatically calculates and updates the Line Discount% field value, similar to manually entering the Discount Value for the item through the Manual Discount action. It also updates the same value in the Discount Value field on the Applied Sales Price and Discount page.


When Percentage is selected, the Discount Value field value is inherited to the Line Discount% field, whereas when Amount is selected, the Line Discount% field value is internally calculated based on the value entered.

  1. The Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code field value automatically inherits the value from the Unit of Measure Code field on the Applied Sales Discount Line. This is populated only after you enter the value in the Applied Discount Value field.

    The values entered in the sales order lines for the above fields are updated automatically on the Applied Sales Price and Discount page and vice versa.

This applies to both Sales Quotes and Sales Blanket Orders.

With Allow Direct Purchase Line Cost Update toggle turned on

You can directly modify the values of the applied cost and discount fields on the purchase order lines, and these fields can be customized through personalization. The fields are:

  1. Applied Direct Unit Cost
  2. Applied Price Unit of Measure Code
  3. Applied Discount %
  4. Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code

However, the Applied Direct Unit Cost, Applied Price Unit of Measure Code, and Applied Discount% fields are editable only when

i) Advance Pricing is being used as a Price Calculation Method.

ii) The Allow Direct Purchase Line Cost Update toggle on the Advanced Pricing Setup page is turned on.

The Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code field value is not editable.

The following steps describe how to fill the fields:

  1. The Applied Direct Unit Cost field automatically inherits the value from the Direct Unit Cost field on the Applied Purchase Price Line.

If the value in the Unit of Measure Code and Applied Price Unit of Measure Code fields are the same, then the unit cost value remains the same. If they are different, on changing the Applied Direct Unit Cost field value, the Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT field value will be internally recalculated based on the Unit of Measure Code conversion.

When you change this value on the Applied Purchase Price line through Manual Price action, the same values are inherited to the field on the Purchase Order Lines.

  1. The Applied Price Unit of Measure Code field automatically inherits the value from the Unit of Measure Code field on the Applied Purchase Price Line.

    When you change this value, the Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT field value is also updated.

  2. The Applied Discount % field automatically inherits the value from the Line Discount % field on the Applied Purchase Discount Line.

    When you change this value, the same value is updated to the Line Discount% field on the Applied Purchase Discount Line.

  3. The Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code field automatically inherits the value from the Unit of Measure Code field on the Applied Purchase Discount Line.

    This value is not editable on the purchase lines.

    The values entered on the purchase order lines for the above fields are updated automatically on the Applied Purchase Price and Discount page and vice versa.

This applies to both Purchase Quotes and Purchase Blanket Orders.