Integration with other extensions

Article09/20/20232 min read

Advanced Attributes

The Aptean Advanced Pricing extension makes use of the features in the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension to select the price on the purchase or sales price list lines. This is enabled by the addition of the Attribute Driven Pricing toggle on the price list pages. When the toggle is turned on, you can see the attribute values and location of the items assigned to it.


You can turn on the Attribute Driven Pricing toggle and modify the values in the Global Lot Attribute fields only when the Status field is set as Draft.

The Purchase/Sales Price list lines can have the same item multiple times with different global lot attribute values and the same location code. Similarly, the same item may be used multiple times with empty values for the global lot attribute but with different location codes.


The Attribute Driven Pricing toggle is only available when the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension is used in conjunction with the Advanced Pricing extension.

Visibility of Global Lot Attributes

You can view the new global lot attribute and the location code fields along the lines of the purchase price list and sales price list. You can also view them on the following documents:

  • Applied Sales Price & Discount
  • Applied Purchase Price & Discount
  • Sales/Purchase Quotes
  • Sales/Purchase Orders
  • Blanket Sales/Purchase Orders
  • Sales/Purchase Invoices
  • Sales/Purchase Return Orders
  • Sales/Purchase Credit Memos
  • Posted Sales/Purchase Invoices
  • Posted Sales/Purchase Credit Memos
  • Blanket Sales/Purchase Order Archives
  • Sales/Purchase Quote Archives
  • Sales/Purchase Order Archives
  • Sales/Purchase Return Order Archives

To know more about the selection of price from price list lines, see Advanced Pricing Method Hierarchy with Lot Attribute values.