What's new in version 1.14.119061.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


With this release of the Aptean Advanced Pricing extension, you can modify the Sales/Purchase unit price/cost and discount values directly on the sales or purchase order lines. To know more, see Advanced Pricing Setup.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The Advanced Pricing Setup page has been added.

  • The following fields are added to the Sales Order lines, Sales Quote and Sales Blanket Order, and are made available on the lines by personalization:

    • Applied Price Unit of Measure Code
    • Applied Unit Price
    • Applied Discount Method
    • Applied Discount Value
    • Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code
  • The following fields are added to the Purchase Order lines, Purchase Quote, and Purchase Blanket Order, and are made available on the lines by personalization:

    • Applied Price Unit of Measure Code
    • Applied Direct Unit Cost
    • Applied Discount %
    • Applied Discount Unit of Measure Code