Work In Progress on the Alcohol Balance Report

Article12/11/20231 min read

Work in progress in the alcohol balance extension is about entries from (production) orders that were not finished at the ending date of the reporting period. Entries from these orders give a distorted image of the balance, due to partial posting (for instance, only the output was posted). In the report you can choose to include the work in progress:

  • When not included: production orders that were not finished at the report ending date are not included in the report.
  • When included: production orders that were not finished at the report ending date are included in the report. The work in progress is shown in separate lines with (sub)totals.

The basis for the alcohol balance report is the item ledger entry table. In the alcohol balance extension, the field Finished Date is added as a new field to this table. The field gets its value from the Posting Date in the status change on the production order. The report uses it to filter on item ledger entries:

  • Work in progress not included:

    • Finished Date/Ending Date
  • Work in progress included:

    • No filter