Alcohol Balance Set Up - General

Article12/11/20234 min read
  1. Select the Search icon search, enter Alcohol Balance Set Up, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the alcohol balance set up card, and then choose the General FastTab.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description or read more in the explanation of the fields in this topic.

Force 0.0 Alcohol Balance

When Force 0.0 Alcohol Balance is selected in the Alcohol Balance Set Up, it is not possible to change the status of a production order to Finished when the difference between the consumed volume * strength (liters pure alcohol) and the volume * strength output is not specified with loss registrations.

Tolerance %

Specifies the percentage that represents the loss that you allow when the status of a production order is changed to Finished.

When the difference between the consumed volume*strength and the volume*strength output is less or equal to this percentage, an Alcohol Loss Entry is automatically created that represents the difference.

When this difference is more than the tolerance percentage, you will be forced to register losses before the status change can be executed.


This function only works when Force 0.0 Alcohol Balance is selected.
When Alcohol Loss Entries are registered in a Production Order, the tolerated loss will not be created when the status of the order is changed to Finished. The full loss must be registered in the Alcohol Loss Journal.

Tolerance Reason

Specifies the Reason Code for losses that are within the Tolerance %. The Alcohol Loss Entry will be created with this Reason Code.

See also

Define Reason Codes

Variable Strength Items

Raw materials and semi-finished items with alcohol, do not always have the same strength. Pure alcohol for instance, can vary per batch. Still, for the Alcohol Balance, it is necessary to calculate with the actual strength so that you are able to report with the correct figures. In Drink-IT Alcohol Balance it is possible to:

  • Define Items for Variable Strength in the Item Tracking Code.
  • Register the actual strength of a lot on positive entries.
  • Inherit the actual strength from a lot on a negative entries.

Only lot tracked items can be set up with variable strength.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Item Tracking Codes, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose the New action.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
  4. On the Lot No. FastTab, define policies of item tracking by lot numbers.
  5. On the Alcohol Balance FastTab, define policies of item strengths.

See also

Work with Serial and Lot Numbers

Volume*Strength Units of Measure

When prices for variable strength items are agreed in a volume*strength units of measure, like liters of alcohol, a best practice is to use that unit of measure as the price unit of measure. The order processing will in many cases be done in volumes (liters, hectoliters or other) where the (default) strength of the item converts that to the liters of alcohol.

When ordered in bulk, the actual volume and strength of the goods can deviate from the order. To make it possible to register these differences in a simple and efficient way, without manual calculations, you can setup the recalculation parameters in the unit of measure table.

  1. Select the Search icon alt text, enter Units of Measure, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Units of Measure page,select the volume*strength unit of measure or choose the New action to create one.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
  4. In the Volume UOM field, select the unit of measure that represents the volume.
  5. In the Strength UOM field, select the unit of measure that represents the strength.
  6. Select the Allow Qty. Recalc. (Vol*Str) check box.

The Volume UOM, Strength UOM and Allow Qty. Recalc. (Vol*Str) fields are by default hidden on the Units of Measure page. You can make them visible by Personalizing.