Highlights in version 1.0.65177.0

Release Note09/16/20242 min read


  • New functionality has been added on the Advanced Lot Attributes Setup page to prevent inconsistencies between global lot attribute values registered in the document lines and the lot number created from the document lines. For more information, see Set the use of lot attributes from the Advanced Lot Attribute Setup page.
  • To retain historical information about specific attributes and their values, the Advanced Lot Attributes extension (ALA) has implemented a check function that prevents renaming or removing lot attributes and their values. For more information, see Rename or delete a lot attribute and its values.
  • In the Advanced Attributes extension (AAT), changing the global lot attribute values is possible when the lot number is assigned to any document line. The user is notified of inconsistencies between the document line and lot level. In the ALA extension, these inconsistencies are undesirable; hence, functionality has been enhanced to ensure the automatic alignment of lot attribute values on the document line and lot level. For more information, see Change Lot Attributes Value in the incoming documents line.
  • In Standard Business Central, the same lot number can be assigned to several documents. Reusing lot numbers can cause an issue in item availability and cost (as both use the lot as a source of calculation). To prevent this issue, a check function is added in this extension to prevent the reuse of lot numbers. For more information, see Reuse of lot numbers in incoming documents.
  • To ensure you can work with the restrictions imposed by the ‘Strict use of lot attribute values’, a Split Line function is added to the purchase order to easily create new purchase lines in case of lot attribute values deviation. For more information, see Split Purchase line from Purchase Order.
  • Furthermore, the same split functionality is made available in the warehouse receipt line. For more information, see Split warehouse receipt line.