Set up standard comments

Article11/02/20236 min read

You can set up comments on the Standard Comments page which are copied to purchase and sales documents when the settings match with the information provided in the purchase or sales documents.

To setup a standard comment:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Standard Comments, and then choose the related link.
    The Standard Comments page opens.
  2. On the action bar, click New to create a new record.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary.
  4. On the action bar, select the Edit Text Lines to add a comment text to the header.
  5. On the Comment Text Lines page, in the Comment Text field, enter one or more comments text lines.
  6. Go back to the Standard Comments page.
    For each standard comment, the comment text lines are displayed on this page under the Comment Text Lines FastTab. However, you can edit or create a comment text line by using the Edit Text Lines action.

Standard Comment for document headers

  1. On the Standard Comments page, click New on the action bar to create a new record.

  2. In the Source Type field, select the type to which the comment applies. The options in the list are ’Customer’, ’All Customers’, ’Vendor’, and ’All Vendors‘.
    Only when the source types ’All Customers’ or ’All Vendor’ are chosen, and then only you can select a country code to specify the country to which the comment applies.


    As described in the Modification to Customer/Vendor/Item/Item Category Code topic, when you change or delete the customer/vendor or any fields related to the customer/vendor, the complete record is updated/ deleted.

  3. In the Source Number field, select the number of the source to which the comment applies.

  4. In the Source Sub No. field, select the number of the Customer Ship-to or Vendor Order Address to which this comment needs to apply.
    The document type that is selected specifies which type of document(s) comment is copied. From the selected document, the comment is copied to all subsequent purchase and sales documents, e.g., from order to credit memo. It depends on the Sales & Receivables Setup and Purchase & Payable Setup pages whether the comment is also copied to posted documents.

  5. In the Copy to Document Type field, select the document type to which the comments are copied to. The options are Order, Quote, Blanket Order, Invoice, Credit Memo, and All.

    • If you select All, the comments will be copied to all document types.

    • If you leave this field blank, the comments will not be copied. However, you can still choose to show or print them on the related documents by selecting the relevant checkboxes in the line. Depending on your choice, the comment will appear only on the selected documents.


    The feature of displaying comments on printed documents is only available when the Aptean Reporting extension is installed.

  6. In the Starting Date field, select the start date for which the comment is applicable and from when the comment should be copied to the documents. The comment is always copied to the documents if no starting date is specified.


    The comments are copied to the document if the Work Date is greater than or equal to the Starting Date.

  7. In the Ending Date field, select the end date for which the comment is applicable and until when the comments should be copied to the documents.

    • The comments are copied to the document if no Ending Date is specified.
    • The comments are copied to the document if the Work Date is less than or equal to the Ending Date.
  8. Select the Notify User checkbox to notify a document in which a comment is copied.

  9. Select the relevant checkboxes, such as the Show in Warehouse Document or Show in Product Order, if the comment should be shown or printed in the related documents. Depending on the selected document type, it is possible to select the checkboxes for the different documents.

Standard Comment for document lines

It is also possible to create standard comments that are copied to the document lines. In that case, selecting a source type and an item type is necessary.

  1. On the Standard Comments page, click New to create a new record.

  2. In the Source Type field, select to which source type the comment applies from the list.
    Only when the source types ’All Customers’ or ’All Vendor’ are chosen and then it is possible to select a country code to specify the country to which the comment applies.


    As described in the Modification to Customer/Vendor/Item/Item Category Code topic, when you change or delete the customer/vendor or any fields related to the customer/vendor, the complete record is updated/deleted.

  3. In the Source Number field, select the number of the source to which the comment applies.

  4. In the Source Sub No. field, select the number of the Customer Ship-to or Vendor Order Address to which this comment needs to apply.

  5. In the Item Type field, select to which item type the comment applies from the list. The options are ’Item’, ’Item Category’, and ’All Items‘.

  6. In the Item No. field, select the item number or item category code depending on the chosen Item Type.
    The document type that is selected to specifies which type of document(s) comment is copied. From the selected document, the comment is copied to all subsequent purchase and sales documents, e.g., from order to credit memo. It depends on the Sales & Receivables Setup and Purchase & Payable Setup pages whether the comment is also copied to posted documents.


    As described in the Modification to Customer/Vendor/Item/Item Category Code topic, when you change or delete the item/item category code or any fields related to the item/item category code, the complete record is updated/deleted.

  7. In the Copy to Document Type field, select the document type to which the comments are copied to. The options are Order, Quote, Blanket Order, Invoice, Credit Memo, and All.

    • If you select All, the comments will be copied to all document types.

    • If you leave this field blank, the comments will not be copied. However, you can still choose to show or print them on the related documents by selecting the relevant checkboxes in the line. Depending on your choice, the comment will appear only on the selected documents.

  8. In the Starting Date field, select the start date for which the comment is applicable and from when the comment should be copied to the documents. The comment is always copied to the documents if no starting date is specified.


    The comments are copied to the document if the Work Date is greater than or equal to the Starting Date.

  9. In the Ending Date field, select the end date for which the comment is applicable and until the comments should be copied to the documents.

    • The comments are copied to the document if no Ending Date is specified.
    • The comments are copied to the document if the Work Date is less than or equal to the Ending Date.

Modification to Customer/Vendor/Item/Item Category Code

The associated standard comments are deleted when you:

  • Delete a Customer
  • Delete a Vendor
  • Delete a Customer Ship-To Code
  • Delete a Vendor Order Address
  • Delete an Item
  • Delete an Item Category Code