Copy comments to posted shipment

Article05/29/20246 min read

Copy sales comments to posted sales shipment

When a sales order is posted for shipment, the system copies the comments from the sales order and adds them to the posted sales shipment.

  1. Open the Sales Order page.
  2. Enter the required comments manually at the header or line level, along with the standard comments, on the Comment Sheet page.
  3. Post the sales order for shipment.
  4. Open the desired Posted Sales Shipment page.
  5. On the action bar, select Shipment > Comments.
    The Comment Sheet page opens.

The comments added on the Standard Comments page are transferred from the sales order to the posted sales shipment.


The Document Type Standard Comments field on the Comment Sheet page determines the type of document into which the standard comments will be automatically inserted. 

You can also view comments added at both header and line levels in the document on the Sales Comments View page associated with the posted sales shipment document.


On the Sales & Receivables Setup page, the Copy Cmnts. Order to Shpt. toggle must be turned on to copy comments from sales orders to posted sales shipment documents.

Copy comments from source documents to posted documents

The comments are copied from different sales documents as follows:

  • Sales Order posted as Invoice: With the Copy Comments Order to Invoice toggle turned on, comments from the sales order are automatically transferred to the corresponding posted sales invoice.
  • Sales Return Order posted as Return Receipt: With the Copy Comments Ret. Ord. to Ret. Rcpt. toggle turned on, comments associated with the sales return order are copied to the posted sales return receipt.
  • Sales Return Order posted as Credit Memo: With the Copy Comments Ret. Ord. to Cr. Memo toggle turned on, comments from the sales return order to the corresponding posted sales credit memo are copied.

When performing the Get Shipment Lines action on the Sales Invoice page, the system copies all the line comments and manually edited standard comments from the posted sales shipment to the sales invoice document.

To avoid duplication, comments from documents where the Doc. Type Stnd. Cmnts. field is set to All and the Created from Standard Comments field set to Yes will not be copied.


This functionality works similarly when performing the Get Return Receipt Lines on the Sales Credit Memo page.

The comments are copied from different purchase documents as follows:

  • Purchase Order posted as Receipt: Comments are directly copied.
  • Purchase Order posted as Invoice: Comments are directly copied.
  • Purchase Return Order posted as Return Shipment: With the Copy Cmts. Ret. Ord. to Ret. Shpt. toggle turned on, comments from the purchase return order are automatically transferred to the posted purchase return shipment.
  • Purchase Return Order posted as Credit Memo: With the Copy Cmts. Ret. Ord. to Cr. Memo toggle turned on, comments associated with the purchase return order are copied to the posted purchase credit memo.

When performing the Get Receipt Lines action on the Purchase Invoice page, the system copies all the line comments and manually edited standard comments from the posted purchase shipment to the purchase invoice document.

Comments from documents where the Doc. Type Stnd. Cmnts. field is set to All, and the Created from Standard Comments field is Yes will not be copied.


This functionality works similarly when performing the Get Return Shipment Lines on the Purchase Credit Memo page.

Copy comments from sales order to sales invoice with combine shipment

Transfer comments from your posted sales shipment to the sales invoice when combining shipments in your system. By following the steps below, all relevant comments, including standard and manually added ones, are accurately reflected on your sales invoice documents.


Turn on the Copy Comments Shpt. to Invoice toggle to copy comments from posted sales shipment to sales invoice and Copy Comments Order to Invoice toggle to copy comments from sales order to sales invoice (in case of Combine Shipment By is Shipment) on the Sales & Receivables Setup page.

  1. Open the Customer Card page.
  2. On the Shipping FastTab, in the Combine Shipment By field, select Shipment from the dropdown menu.
  3. Open the desired sales order page and fill in the required details.
  4. Post the sales order for Ship sales comments, which includes the standard comments and manually added comments. To know more about standard comments, see Set up standard comments.
  5. On the Posted Sales Shipment page, you can add comments to the header and line level of the document, which will be displayed on the associated sales invoice documents.
  6. Open the Combine Shipment By report page.
  7. Fill in the required details and select OK.
    The shipments are combined, and the sales invoices are created for the related sales order.

The generated sales invoice document will showcase all comments, consolidating both standard and manually added ones at both the header and line levels.


Comments added to the sales order after its posting for shipment will not be included on the sales invoice documents.

The outcome of running the Combine Shipment By report may vary depending on the following scenarios:

Consolidating shipments involves merging individual shipments for a particular customer into a unified invoice. This process streamlines billing by combining all relevant shipment details, such as items, quantities, and prices, into a single document. Through this consolidation, customers receive a comprehensive overview of their purchases. To know more, see Create Consolidated Invoice.

Scenario 1: Combine Shipments By is set to Order

If the Combine Shipment By field is set to Order on the Customer Card page, then running the Combine Shipment By report will create a consolidated sales invoice for the relevant sales order and posted sales shipments (standard CSP functionality). This invoice will display all comments, including both standard and manually added comments, across both header from the sale order and line from the corresponding posted sales shipment.


Comments added to the sales order header after its posting for shipment will also be included on the sales invoice documents.

Scenario 2: Combine Shipments By is set to Default, Date, Week, or Month

If the Combine Shipment By field is set to Default, Date, Week, or Month on the Customer Card page, then running the Combine Shipment By report will create a consolidated sales invoice for the relevant sales order and posted documents. This invoice will display all comments, including both standard and manually added comments, only at the line level of the sales order and posted sales shipment.


When shipments are combined by date, week, or month, the Combine Shipment By report generates sales invoices according to the specified date filter. To know more, see Combined Shipments Setup.