Example 13

Article05/08/20235 min read

Type: Advanced Process Workflow

Department: Manufacturing

Learning Objectives


Loop Groups are defined in the To-Do Group Template, the last To-Do which have been completed controls the continuation of the Loop. When the Loop is rerun, all the To-Dos will open up within the Loop.

File name Template in Document Storage

There is the possible to indicate an exact document name (e.g. Item@No.@) and furthermore, to name the place where the document should be stored (e.g. D:\Itempicture\). If a To-Do is a Document Storage, the system will prove the availability of a document within the specified directory. Once a document is determined by the system, the To-Do will be completed by default. Moreover, a linkage will be created between the document and the To-Do is deposed at the data source facultative.

Manual Completion allowed by

If a To-Do is not a Manual Completion, this is the field where it can be decided who the person will have the authority to complete the To-Do manually.

Business Process “New Production Item”

If the designer has developed a new product, that person will check all the required fields, attaches the product specifications and completes the bill of material. Accordingly, a prototype can be created as well as tested by the Production Team and a Testing Sheet attached. If insecurities concerning the quality are detected, the Production Team can then talk to the designer about the issues. If the product has passed the quality test, the new product can be released for new production.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 27 (Item)

Editing Form ID: 30 (item Card)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definitions

Tick All Use Fields

Table ID: 27 (Item)

Keyword Definition Line 1

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Keyword Definition Line 2

Field ID: 3 (Description)

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD010 Description: Check Mandatory Fields
WHOEmployee Code: MD Modification allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 1D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Field Examination Condition Code: WF130-C010


Table ID: 27 (Item)

Code: WF130-C010

Description: Check Mandatory Fields

Type: Field Examination

All Condition Lines

Active: Field Examinations

Type: Field

Table ID: 27 (Item)

Editing Page ID: 30 (Item Card)

Condition Line 1

Field ID: 3 (Description)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 2

Field ID: 8 (Base Unit of Measure)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 3

Field ID: 11 (Inventory Posting Group)

Filter: Finished

Condition Line 4

Field ID: 99 (VAT. Prod. Posting Group)

Filter: VAT16

Condition Line 5

Field ID: 91 (Gen. Prod. Posting Group)

Filter: Retail

Condition Line 6

Field ID: 54 (Blocked)

Filter: Yes

To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD02 Description: Attach Product Specification
WHOEmployee Code: MD
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF130-TD01 Duration: 2D Urgency: -1D
WHATType: Document Storage Attach. Doc. Type Code: PRODSPEZ [Table Join by default] Table Join Table ID: 5128007 (Workflow) Table ID to join: 27 (Item) Table Join Line 1 Field ID: 1 (No.) Value Type: Field Value: 26 (Assigned to No.)

Document Group

Reference Type: 27


Description: Item Document

Directory Path Name: C:\Temp\

Insert Record Link: Yes

File Filter:

Display Order No.: 1

File Filter Code: PDF

File Filter

Code: PDF

Description: PDF

Filter: *.PDF

Document Type

Reference Type: 27 (Item)


Description: Item Specification

Document Group: ITEM DOCS

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 3Reference Type No.: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD030Description: Complete BOM and Routing
WHOEmployee Code: MD
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code : WF130-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Field Examination Condition Code: WF130-C020


Table ID: 27 (Item)

Code: WF130-C020

Description: Check Manufacturing Fields

Type: Field Examination

All Condition Lines

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 27 (Item)

Editing Page ID: 30 (Item Card)

Condition Line 1

Field ID: 99000751 (Production BOM No.)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 2

Field ID: 99000750 (Routing No.)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 3

Field ID: 24 (Standard Cost)

Filter: >0

To-Do Template 4Reference Type No.: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD040 Description: Create Prototype
WHOTeam Code: Production
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF130-TD030 Duration Date Calculation: 2W Critical Date Calculation: -10D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 5Reference Type No.: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD050 Description: Quality Test and Attach Test Sheet
WHOTeam Code: Production
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF130-TD040 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Document Storage Attach Doc. Type Code: TEST SHEET

Document Type

Reference Type: 27 (Item)


Description: Quality Test Sheet

File Name Default: @@Item%%No.@@_TEST

Document Group: ITEM DOCS

[Table Join by Default]

Table Join

Table ID: 5127903 (Attach Document)

Table ID to join: 27 (Item)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Value Type: Field

Value: 4 (Reference Code)

To-Do Template 6Reference Type No.: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD060 Description: Passed Quality Test?
WHOEmployee Code: RL
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF130-TD050 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Decision Attach Doc. Type Code: QUALITY PASSED

Decision Option Set


Description: Passed Quality Test?

Decision Option Set Line 1:

Value: YES

Description: Yes

Decision Option Set Line 2:

Value: NO

Description: No

Decision Option Set Line 3:

Value: MAYBE

Description: Maybe

To-Do Template 7Reference Type No.: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD070 Description: Review by QC Supervisor
WHOEmployee Code: MD
WHYBy Decision Type: 27 (Item) By Decision To-Do Template Code: WF130-TD060 Decision Value Filter: MAYBE
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF130-TD060 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 8Reference Type No.: 27 (Item) Code: WF130-TD080 Description: Approved for Production
WHOEmployee Code: MD
WHYBy Decision Type: 27 (Item) By Decision To-Do Template Code: WF130-TD060 Decision Value Filter: YES
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF130-TD060 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion

To-Do Group Template

Reference Type: 27 (Item)

Code: WF130-TDG010

Description: Product Development

[Customize This Page → FastTabs: Show “Loop”]

Loop Group Activate: Yes

Loop Group Start To-Do: WF130-TD020

Loop Group End To-Do: WF130-TD0060

Loop Group Decision Value: No

Loop Group Use Reopen Date: Yes

To-Do Group Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF130-TD020

To-Do Group Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF130-TD030

To-Do Group Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF120-TD040

To-Do Group Line 4

Type: To-Do

Code: WF130-TD050

To-Do Group Line 5

Type: To-Do

Code: WF130-TD060

Workflow Template

Reference Type: 27 (Item)

Code: WF130

Description: New Manufactured Item Workflow

Use Condition: WF130-C030


Table ID: 27 (Item)

Code: WF130-C030

Description: New Manufactured Item

Type: Workflow Template Use

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 27 (Item)

Field ID: 5419 (Replenishment System)

Filter: Prod. Order

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF130-TD010

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do Group

Code: WF130-TG010

Workflow Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF130-TD080

Field Modification

Asynchronous Field Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: <>2

Field ID: 54 (Blocked)

Fixed Value Input: Yes

Asynchronous Field Modification Line 2:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: 2

Field ID: 54 (Blocked)

Fixed Value Input: NO