Example 6

Article05/08/20234 min read

Type: Basic New Record Workflow

Department: Human Resources

Learning Objectives

Activation Condition

If an Activation Condition is met, the To-Do is created in regards to that specific condition. If the condition is not met, the task will be created admittedly but get the status of “no status”.

Decision (Document Examination)

In terms of a Document Examination, it is possible to tick off a ballot box which causes that a document is revised in regards to Decisions.

Absence Management

The Absence Management is a system created to shift the tasks of employees (e.g. Salesperson/Purchaser). This is required if an employee is momentary absent or the employee is away for a specific period of time. The tasks of that specific employee will be transmitted to a deputy. As soon as that person is returning, the task will be transmitted back.

Business Process “New Employee”

If a new employee is hired, the Secretary looks if all Mandatory Fields for the company are filled in (fields such as Name, Employment Date, Employee Contract Code and Social Security Number), then they attach the contract. The Human Resource Department revises the employment contract and the IT Manager takes care of the computer installation, setups and accesses needed by the New Employee (cell phone in addition). Simultaneously, the Financial Management reports the tax and superannuation forms and can requests a union membership number.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Diagram

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 5200 (Employee)

Editing Page ID: 5200 (Employee Card)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definition Lines

Tick all Use Fields

Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Field ID: 2 (First Name)

Keyword Definitions Line 3

Field ID: 4 (Last Name)

To-Do Templates

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD010 Description: Check Mandatory Fields
WHOEmployee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Field Examination Condition Code: WF060-C010


Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Code: WF060-C010

Description: Check Mandatory Fields

Type: Field Examination

All Condition Lines

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Editing Form ID: 5200 (Employee Card)

Condition Line 1

Field ID: 2 (First Name)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 2

Field ID: 4 (Last Name)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 3

Field ID: 29 (Employment Date)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 4

Field ID: 27 (Employmt. Contract Code)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 5

Field ID: 21 (Social Security No.)

Filter: <>’’

To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD020 Description: Attach Employee Contract
WHOEmployee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF060-TD010 Duration: 1D
WASType: Document Storage
To-Do Template 3Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD030 Description: Examine Employee Contract
WHOTeam Code: HR
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF060-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Duration Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Decision Decision Option Set Code: Code: EXAMINATION Description: Examination Option Examination option Line 1 Value: OK Description: Ok Examination Option Line 1 Value: NOT OK Description: Not Ok Decision Option Code: EXAMINATION Document Examination Activate: Yes Document Storage To-Do Template: WF060-TD020
To-Do Template 4Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD040 Description: Book Trainings and Orientation
WHOTeam Code: HR
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF060-TD030 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 5Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD050 Description: Setup Computer and Accounts
WHOEmployee Code: MP
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF060-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 6Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD060 Description: Organize Mobile Phone
WHOEmployee Code: MP
WHYActivation Condition Code: Table ID: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-C020 Description: Management Employee Type: Activation Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Art: Field Table ID: 5200 (Employee) Field ID: 27 (Employmt. Contract Code) Filter: Management Condition Code: WF060-C020
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF060-TD050 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Field Examination

Field Examination

Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Code: WF060-C030

Description: Check Mobile Phone No.

Type: Field Examination

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Art: Field

Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Editing Form ID: 5200 (Employment Card)

Field ID: 14 (Mobile Phone No.)

Filter: <>’’

To-Do Template 7Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD070 Description: Complete Tax and Super Forms
WHOTeam Code: Pay Role
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF060-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 8Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-TD080 Description: Apply for Union Membership and enter No.
WHOTeam Code: Pay Role
WHYActivation Condition Code: Table ID: 5200 (Employee) Code: WF060-C040 Description: Union Type: Activation Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Art: Field Table ID: 5200 (Employee) Field ID: 22 (Union Code) Filter: <>’’ Condition Code: WF060-C040
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF060-TD070 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Field Examination

Field Examination Condition

Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Code: WF060-C050

Description: Check Union Membership No.

Type: Field Examination

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Editing Form ID: 5200 (Employee Card)

Field ID: 23 (Union Membership No.)

Filter: <>’’

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 5200 (Employee)

Code: WF060

Description: New Employee Workflow

Use Condition: WF060-C060


Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Code: WF060-C060

Description: New Employee

Type: Workflow Template Use

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 5200 (Employee)

Field ID: 29 (Employment Date)

Wild Card Values

Wild Card No.: 1

Value Type: System Value

System Value: Workdate

Filter: >=%1

Workflow Lines

Type: To-Do

Code: To-Do 1-8