Example 5

Article05/08/20234 min read

Type: Basic New Record Workflow

Department: Sales (Customer)

Learning Objectives

To-Do Group Template

To-Dos can be defined as group tasks (To-Do Group) within this template.

Field Modification

Field values can be changed automatically depending on the status of a Workflow, To-Dos or the To-Do Groups.

Team Responsibility

It is in the option to assign a To-Do either to a particular person or to an entire team.

Document Group

The system allows to subordinate several document types within one Document Group (e.g. document types such as “Item Specification” and “Quality Log” can be part of a Document Group e.g. named “Item Documents”).

Document Type

The document for attachment is specified in the Document Type and is matched to a Data Table (Reference Type). Furthermore, the default file names are set to automate the location of a document.

Business Process “New Costumer”

When a new customer is created, Mandatory Fields will be checked and the Credit Contract attached by the secretary. Subsequently, approvals by various departments will take place: The setup of the Dimension and Posting Group as well as the creditworthiness of the new costumer are verified by the Finance Department. Furthermore, the Warehouse Department arranges all steps which are necessary for shipping. Once this has been done, the new costumer needs to be confirmed by an employee before the contract can be sent out by the secretary.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Diagram

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 18 (Customer)

Editing Page ID: 21 (Customer Card)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Default Workflow Template Code: WF050

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Table ID: 18 (Customer)

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Table ID: 18 (Customer)

Field ID: 2 (Name)

Tick All Use Fields

To-Do Templates

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.:18 (Costumer) Code: WF050-TD010 Description: Check Mandatory Fields
WHOEmployee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Field Examination Condition Code: WF050-C010


Table ID: 18 (Customer)

Code: WF050-C010

Description: Check Mandatory Fields

Type: Field Examination

All Condition Lines

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 18 (Customer)

Process Time ID: 21 (Customer Card)

Condition Line 1

Field ID: 2 (Name)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 2

Field ID: 21 (Customer Posting Group)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 3

Field ID: 88 (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 4

Field ID: 110 (VAT. Bus. Posting Group)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 5

Field ID: 20 (Credit Limit (LCY))

Filter: >0

To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.:18 (Costumer) Code: WF050-TD020 Description: Attach Credit Application
WHOEmployee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF050-TD010 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Document Storage Att. Document Type Code : Credit application

Document Group


Description: Contracts

Directory Path Name: C:\Temp\

Insert Record Link Yes

File Filter:

Display Order: 1

File Filter Code: PDF

File Filter

Code: PDF

Description: PDF

Filter: *PDF

Document Type

Reference Type: 18 (Customer)


Description: Credit Application

Document Group: CONTRACT

Table Join (automatic request)

Table ID: 5128007 (Workflow)

Table ID to join: 18 (Customer)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Value Type: Field

Value: 26 (Assigned To No.)

To-Do Template 3Reference Type No.:18 (Costumer) Code: WF050-TD030 Description: Review Dimensions and Posting Group Setup
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF050-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 4Reference Type No.:18 (Costumer) Code: WF050-TD040 Description: Credit and Background Check
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF050-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation:-1D
WHATType:Manual Completion
To-Do Template 5Reference Type No.:18 (Costumer) Code: WF050-TD050 Description: Setup Shipping Fields
WHOTeam Code: Warehouse
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF050-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation:-1D
WHATType: Manual Completion

To-Do Group Template

Reference Type No.: 18 (Customer)

Code: WF050-TG010

Description: Examination by Departments

To-Do Group Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF050-TD030

To-Do Group Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF050-TD040

To-Do Group Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF050-TD050

To-Do Template 6Reference Type No.:18 (Costumer) Code: WF050-TD060 Description: Approve New Customer
WHOEmployee Code: PS
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Group Source Code: WF050-TDG010 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation:-1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 7Reference Type No.:18 (Costumer) Code: WF050-TD070 Description: Send Engagement Letter
WHOEmployee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF050-TD060 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Document Storage Att. Document Type Code: Customer Contract

Document Group


Description: Contracts

Directory Path Name: C:\Temp\

Insert Record Link: Yes

File Filter:

Display Order: 1

File Filter Code: PDF

File Filter

Code: PDF

Description: PDF

Filter: *.PDF

Document Type

Reference Type: 18 (Customer)


Description: Customer Contract

Document Group: Contract

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 18 (Customer)

Code: WF050

Description: New Customer

Use Condition: None (Default Workflow Template on Reference Type)

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF050-TD010

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF050-TD020

Workflow Line 3

Type: To-Do Group

Code: WF050-TG010

Workflow Line 4

Type: To-Do

Code: WF050-TD060

Workflow Line 5

Type: To-Do

Code: WF050-TD070

Field Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: <>2

Field ID: 39 (Blocked)

Fix Value Input: All

Field Modification Line 2:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: 2

Field ID: 39 (Blocked)

Fix Value Input: [Option Value is empty]

Fix Value: 0