Example 4

Article05/08/20232 min read

Type: Basic Notification

Department: Inventory (Item)

Learning Objectives

Wild Card (System Value) in Condition

Wild Cards cannot only be used to compare two field values but also to make a comparison between a field value and a system value (e.g. the Working Date).

Date Calculation in Condition

The exact date on which the condition (trigger) shall eventuate can be calculated (If Work Date – 2 days).

Absence Management

The Absence Management is a system created to shift the tasks of employees (e.g. Salesperson/Purchaser). This is required if an employee is momentary absent or the employee is away for a specific period of time. The tasks of that specific employee will be transmitted to a deputy. As soon as that person is returning, the task will be transmitted back.

Business Process “Expired Lot Number”

Once the current date exceeds the expiration date of an item or a lot, the employee DC from the warehouse is informed by default. This is important to avoid unnecessary occupation of storage. The employee DC is leaving the company for one month due to vacation. Therefore the To-Dos can be forwarded to the employee AH during that period of time.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Diagram

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 32 (Item Ledger Entry)

Editing Page ID: 38 (Item Ledger Entry)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definition Lines

All Keyword Lines

Table ID: 32 (Item Ledger Entry)

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Field ID: 2 (Item No.)

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Field ID: 6501 (Lot No.)

Keyword Definitions Line 3

Field ID: 6503 (Expiration Date)

To-Do Templates

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.: 32 (Item Ledger Entry) Code: WF040-TD010 Description: Expired Lot Notification
WHOEmployee Code: DC
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 7D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType: Manual Completion

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 32 (Item Ledger Entry)

Code: WF040

Description: Expired Lot Notification

Use Condition: WF040-C010


Table ID: 32 (Item Ledger Entry)

Code: WF040-C010

Description: Expired Stock

Type: Workflow Template Use

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 32 (Item Ledger Entry)

Field ID: 6503 (Expiration Date)

Wild Card Values

Wild Card No.: 1

Value Type: System Value

System Value: Work Date

Date Calculation: -2D

Filter: <>”&<%1

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF040-TD010

Absence Management on Salesperson/Purchaser Table

Employee: DC

Replaced by: AH

Absence Time

Absence Time: 01.02.2014..28.02.2014

Description: Vacation