Example 3

Article05/08/20232 min read

Type: Basic Notification

Department: Receivables (Customer)

Learning Objectives

Critical Date Calculation

This is the field where the time frame of priorities is set, as soon as the given date (e.g. two days before the due date) is reached, the task is shifted and shown as “critical”.

Additive Use Condition

There is the possibility to trigger (condition) several Workflows in regards to one record data (e.g. New Customer Workflow + Over Credit Limit Workflow), it is called an Additive Use Condition. This condition is checked continuously to make sure a Workflow is triggered. That is important due to the fact that there is the chance of an already existing Workflow of the same reference type.

Wild Card (Calculation)

Wild Cards of the arithmetic operation can be used to calculate a field value based on a new value (e.g. - 10%) and to compare it with another.

Business Process “Customer nearly over Credit Limit”

When customers have approached 90% of their balance, the accountant is notified by default in this matter. A notification will be sent out to warn the accountant concerning a potential violation of the customer’s credit limit.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Diagram

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 18 (Customer)

Editing Page ID: 21 (Customer Card)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definition Lines

Tick all Use Fields

Table ID: 18

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Field ID: 2 (Name)

To-Do Templates

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.: 18 (Customer) Code: WF030-TD010 Description: Customer nearly over Credit Limit
WHOEmployee Code: GD
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 7D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType: Manual Completion

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 18 (Customer)

Code: WF030

Description: Nearly Over Credit Limit Notification

Use Condition: WF030-C010

Additional: Yes


Table ID: 18 (Customer)

Code: WF030-C010

Description: Nearly Over Credit Limit Notification

Type: Workflow Template Use

All Condition Lines

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 18 (Customer)

Condition Line 1

Field ID: 20 (Credit Limit (LCY))

Filter: <>0

Condition Line 2

Field ID: 59 (Balance (LCY))

Wild Card Values

Wild Card No.: 1

Value Type: Calculation

Field Value Table ID: 18 (Customer)

Field Value Field ID: 20 (Credit Limit (LCY))

Calculation Formula Value: 0,9*%1 (show column)

Filter: >%1

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF030-TD010