Example 16

Article05/08/20234 min read

Type: Advanced Process Workflow

Department: Finance

Learning Objectives

Deadline Time:

You can specify the time when a To-Do shall be completed under Deadline Time.

Modify allowed by (when not open):

Open To-Dos are assigned to specific employees with authority to work on open To-Dos.

Business Process “Monthly Account Statements”:

Monthly Account Statement are finished by the finance team. In order to complete these, orders of the Purchase Manager, Sales of the Sales Manager and production orders of the Production Manager have to be finalized first. Once this has been done, the Warehouse Manager can execute a stocktake. The accountant then can prepare the process of payment and close the debtor´s file. Following this, the Sales Manager draws up a sales report in order that the Finance Team is able to complete the monthly account statements. If a New Fiscal Year starts, the Yearly Financial Statements will be appointed and the fiscal year and income statement will be closed additionally.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 50 (Accounting Period)

Editing Page ID: 100 (Accounting Period)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 10 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definitions

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Table ID: 50 (Accounting Period)

Field ID: 1 (Starting Date)

Tick all Use Fields

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD010 Description: Finalize Purchase Receips and Inovices
WHOEmployee Code: BD Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration : 1D Deadline Time: 12:00
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD020 Description: Finalize Sales Shimpments and Invoices
WHOEmployee Code: PS Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration : 1D Deadline Time: 12:00
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 3Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD030 Description: Finalize Production Journals
WHOEmployee Code: RL Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration : 1D Deadline Time: 12:00
WHATType: Manual Completion

To-Do Group Template

Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period)

Code: WF160-TG010

Description: Pre Stocktake Tasks

To-Do Group Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD010

To-Do Group Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD020

To-Do Group Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD030

To-Do Template 4Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD040 Description: Payment Run
WHOEmployee Code: GS Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF160-TD010 Source Field: 5128414 (End Date Planned) Duration : 1D Deadline Time: 15:00
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 5Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD050 Description: Costumer Statements
WHOEmployee Code: GS Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF160-TD020 Source Field: 5128414 (End Date Planned) Duration : 1T Deadline Time: 15:00
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 6Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD060 Description: Stocktake
WHOEmployee Code: DK Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Group Source Code: WF160-TD010 Source Field: 51(End Date Planned) Duration : 1D Deadline Time: 17:00
WHATType: Manual Completion

To-Do Group Template

Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period)

Code: WF160-TG020

Description: Department EOM Tasks

To-Do Group Line 1

Type: To-Do Group

Code: WF160-TG010

To-Do Group Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD040

To-Do Group Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD050

To-Do Group Line 4

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD060

To-Do Template 7Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD070 DescriptionChange Allowed Posting Dates
WHOEmployee Code: HA Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Group Source Code: WF160-TD020 Duration : 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 8Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD080 Description: EOM Sales Report
WHOTeam Code:PS Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF160-TD070 Source Field: 51(End Date Planned) Duration : 3D Urgency: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 9Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD090 Description: Monthly Account Statement
WHOTeam Code:Finance Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF160-TD070 Source Field: 51(End Date Planned) Duration : 3D Urgency: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 10Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD100 Description: Yearly Account Statement
WHOTeam Code:Finance Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYActivation Code: WF160-C010
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF160-TD090 Duration : 1M Urgency: -7D
WHATType: Manual Completion

Activation Condition

Table ID: 50 (Accounting Period)

Code: WF160-C010

Description: New Fiscal Year

Type: Activation

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 50 (Accounting Period)

Field ID: 3 (New Fiscal Year)

Filter: Yes

To-Do Template 11Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period) Code: WF160-TD110 DescriptionClose Fiscal Year and Income Statement
WHOTeam Code:Finance Modify allowed by (when not open): Administrator
WHYActivation Code: WF160-C010
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF160-TD100 Duration : 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 50 (Accounting Period)

Code: WF160

Description: EOM-EOY Workflow

Use Condition: WF160-C020

More Options -> Navigate -> Use Conditions


Table ID: 50 (Accounting Period)

Code: WF160-C020

Description: New Month

Type: Workflow Use Condition

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Table ID: 50 (Accounting Period)

Field ID: 1 (Starting Date)

Filter: >01.01.10

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do Group

Code: WF160-TG020

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD070

Workflow Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD080

Workflow Line 4

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD090

Workflow Line 5

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD100

Workflow Line 6

Type: To-Do

Code: WF160-TD110