Example 15

Article05/08/20237 min read

Example 15

Type: Advanced Process Workflow

Department: Purchase (International)

Learning Objectives

Interdependency of Workflows:

To-Dos of a Workflow can be influenced by other To-Dos of a different Workflow (e.g. depending on the starting day).

Consolidation of the learning objectives so far

Business Process “International Purchase”:

Each and every order process starts with sending an order and attaching the supplier order confirmation, this is done by an employee of the Purchase Team. If the costs have not been revised, this needs to be done by the purchaser who is in charge of. In the case of an import order, import documentation are attached additionally and are sent to the freight forwarder. Furthermore, the bill of loading is attached and the foreign trade fields completed. The costs for each purchase line are examined and the expected receipt day will be confirmed. In case of delayed delivery, the Production Department (If Production Item) or the Sales Department will be informed in this matter.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 38 (Purchase Header)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definitions

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 3 (No.)

Tick all Use Fields.

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 79 (Buy-from Vendor Name)

Tick all Use Fields.

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF150-TD010 Description: Send Purchase Order to Supplier
WHOTeam Code: Purchase
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF150-TD020 Description: Attach Purchase Order Confirmation
WHOTeam Code: Purchase
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF150-TD010 Duration Date Calculation: 7D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType: Document Storage Att. Document Type Code: ORDER CONFIRM [Table Join by default] Table JoinTable ID: 5128007 (Workflow) Table to join ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Table Join Line 1 Field ID: 1 (Document Type) Value Type: Field Value: 24 (Assigned to Art) Table Join Line 2 Field ID: 3 (Document No.) Value Type: Field Value: 26 (Assigned to No.)

Document Group


Description: Purchase Documents

Directory Path Name: C:\Temp\

Insert Record Link: Yes

File Filter:

Display Order: 1

File Filter Code: PDF

File Filter

Code: PDF

Description: PDF

Filter: *.PDF

Document Type

Reference Type: 38 (Purchase Header)


Description: Order Confirmation

File Name Format: @@Purchase Header%%No.@@

Document Group: PURCHASE DOCS

[Table Join by default]

Table Join

Table ID: 5127903 (Attach Document)

Table to join ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 3 (No.)

Value Type: Field

Value: 4 (Reference Type Code)

To-Do Template 3Reference Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF150-TD030 Description: Costs to be checked by Product Manager
WHOTeam Code: Purchase
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF150-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType:Decision Decision Option Set Code: EXAMINATION Description: Examination Decision Decision Option Set Line 1 Value: OK Description: Ok Decision Option Set Line 2 Value: NOT OK Description: Not Ok Decision Option Set Code: EXAMINATION

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF150

Description: All Purchase Orders Workflow

Editing Form ID: 50 (Purchase Order)

Use Condition: WF150-C010


Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF150-C010

Description: Released Purchase Order

Type: Workflow Use Condition

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Filter: Order

Condition Line2

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Filter: Released

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF150- TD 010

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF150- TD 020

Workflow Line 3

Type: To-Do Group

Code: WF150- TD 030

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF150-TD010 Description: Attach Import Documentation
WHOTeam Code: Purchase
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Workflow Template Code: WF150 Source Type: To-Do Source Code: WF150-TD010 Duration Date Calculation: 7D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType: Document Storage Attach. Doc. Type Filter: Sales Invoice|Country of Origin

Document Group


Description: Purchase Documents

Directory Path Name: C:\Temp\

Insert Record Link: Yes

File Filter:

Display Order: 1

File Filter Code: PDF

File Filter

Code: PDF

Description: PDF

Filter: *.PDF

Document Type

Reference Type No: 38 (Purchase Header)


Description: Sales Invoice

Document Group: PURCHASE DOCS

Document Type

Reference Type No: 38 (Purchase Header)


Description: Country of Origin Certificate

Document Group: PURCHASE DOCS

To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF150-TD020 Description: Send Import Docs to Freight Forwarder
WHOTeam Code: Purchase
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF152-TD010 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 3Reference Type No.:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF150-TD030 Description: Attach Bill Boarding
WHOTeam Code: Purchase
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF152-TD020 Duration Date Calculation: 1D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType: Document Storage
To-Do Template 4Reference Type No.:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF150-TD040 Description: Complete Foreign Trade Fields
WHOTeam Code: Purchase
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF152-TD030 Durer: 1D
WHATType: Field Examination Condition Code: WF152-C010


Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF152-C010

Description: Check Foreign Trade Fields

Type: Field Examination

All Condition Lines

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Editing Form ID: 50 (Purchase Order)

Filter: <>’’

Condition Line 1

Field ID: 32 (Currency Code)

Condition Line 2

Field ID: 76 (Transaction Type)

Condition Line 3

Field ID: 102 (Transaction Specification)

Condition Line 4

Field ID: 77 (Transport Method)

Condition Line 5

Field ID: 97 (Entry Point)

Condition Line 6

Field ID: 101 (Area)

Workflow Template

Reference Type: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF152

Description: Import PO Workflow

Reference Editing Form ID: 50 (Purchase Order)

Use Condition: WF150-C010

Activation Condition

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF152-C020

Description: Import Po

Type: Activation

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Field ID: 31 (Vendor Posting Group)

Filter: Foreign

Condition Code: WF152-C020

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF152-TD010

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF152-TD020

Workflow Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF152-TD030

Workflow Line 4

Type: To-Do

Code: WF152-TD040

Table Joins

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Table to join ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Value Type: Field

Value: 1 (Document Type)

Table Join Line 2

Field ID: 3 (No.)

Value Type: Field

Value: 3 (Document No.)

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Table to join ID: 27 (Item)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Value Type: Field

Value: 6 (No.)

Reference Type

No.: 39 (Purchase Line)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Workflow Numbers: WKFL

Keyword Definitions

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 3 (Document Type)

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 79 (Buy-from Vendor Name)

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 3

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 11 (Description)

Tick all Use Fields

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No:38 (Purchase Line) Code: WF154-TD010 Description:Department Purchase Costs
WHOTeam Code: Purchase Conditional Responsibility based on Department Code Conditional Responsibilities Conditional Responsibilities Line 1 Condition Code: WF140-C010 Condition Table ID: 39(Purchase Line) Code: WF154-C020 Description: Furniture Item Purchase Line Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line) Field ID :5709 (Item Category Code) Filter: Furniture Employee Code: PS Conditional Responsibilities Line 2 Condition Code: WF154-C020 Condition Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line) Code: WF154-C020 Description:Misc. Item Purchase Line Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line) Field ID: 5709 (Item Category Code) Filter: MISC Employee Code: LM
WHYBy Decision Type No: 38 (Purchase Header) By Decision Workflow Template Code: WF150 By Decision Template Code: WF150-TD030 Decision Value Filter: YES
WHENReference Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header Source Workflow Template Code: WF150 Source Type: To-Do Source Code: WF150-TD030 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.:39 (Purchase Line) Code: WF154-TD020 DescriptionConfirm Expected Receipt Date
WHOTeam Code:Purchase
WHYNo Administrator
WHENReference Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) Source Workflow Template Code: WF152 Source Type: Workflow Time Difference Calculation: 7D Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 3Reference Type No:39 (Purchase Line) Code: WF154-TD030 Description:Notification Delayed Purchase Order
WHOEmployee Code: TZ Conditional Responsibility based on Department Code Conditional Responsibilities Conditional Responsibilities Line 1 Condition Code: WF154-C030 Condition Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line) Code: WF154-C030 Description: Raw mat Purchase Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line) Field ID :11 (Inventory Posting Group) Filter: Raw Mat Employee Code: TZ
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Reference Table Source Field: 5790 (Requested Delivery Date) Time Difference Calculation: -2 Duration Date Calculation: 7D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType:Date Monitoring Date to monitor Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line) Field ID: 10 (Expected Receipt Date) Reference Date Source Type: Reference Table Herkunft TableID: 39 (Purchase Line) Herkunft Field ID: 5790 (Requested Receipt Date) Time frame Time Difference Calculation (Date Monitoring): -2D Time Frame: 4D

Keyword Definitions

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 5790 (Requested Receipt Date)

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 10 (Expected Receipt Date)

Tick all Use Fields

Workflow Template

Reference Type: 39 (Purchase Line)

Code: WF154

Description: All Po Lines Workflow

Reference Editing Form ID: 50 (Purchase Order)

Buffering Table ID (Editing Form): 38 (Purchase Header)

Use Condition: WF154-C040


Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Code: WF154-C040

Description: Released Purchase Order Line

Type: Workflow Use Condition

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Filter: Order

Condition Line 2

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Filter: Released

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF154-TD010

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF154-TD020

Workflow Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF154-TD030