Example 14

Article05/08/20237 min read

Type: Advanced Approval Process Workflow

Department: Purchasing

Learning Objectives

Multi Line Examination:

A Workflow can be executed on a Master Table (Head Table) and is able to implement examinations through sub tables (Line Table). This helps to find out if a particular amount out of all lines has been reached. For this purpose, setups conforming a FlowField are established. The possible options which are available are Amount, Existing, Minimum, Maximum and Average.

Flexible Teams/Employees:

The responsibility of a To-Do Template can be organized to be instructed towards an employee or a team. In addition, it is possible to setup which employee or team specifically will be responsible depending on the field value of the data set. For this purpose, fields which include references such as employee, user, user or employee establishments can be used.

Consolidation of the learning objectives so far

Business Process “Purchase Order Approval”:

Purchases of the amount below 1.000 Euro are directly performed by the Purchasers but if the amount of a purchase is over 1.000 Euro, the head of department will be notified and an approval is necessary to release the purchase. Furthermore, a notification of purchases over 25.000 Euro is sent to the CFO who again will approve or reject the order and the head of department is also informed. Purchases Orders over 50.000 have to be released by the CEO before and the CFO will be notified in case of rejection.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Table Join

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Table ID to join: 39 (Purchase Line)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Value Type: Field

Value: 1 (Document Type)

Table Join Line 2

Field ID: 3 (No.)

Value Type: Field

Value: 3 (No.)

Reference Type

No.: 38 (Sales Header)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server:: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definition Lines

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 3 (No.)

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 79 (Buy-from Vendor Name)

Keyword Definitions Line 3

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 11 (Description)

No.: 39 (Sales Line)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-TD010 Description:Department Manager Approve
WHOTeam Code: WKFLADMIN Conditional Responsibility based on Department Code Conditional Responsibilities Conditional Responsibilities Line 1 Condition Code: WF140-C010 Condition Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-C010 Description: Sales Department Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Field ID :29 (Shortcut Dimension 1 Code) Filter: Sales Employee Code: PS Conditional Responsibilities Line 2 Condition Code: WF140-C020 Condition Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-C020 Description: Production Department Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Field ID: 29 (Shortcut Dimension 1 Code) Filter: Prod Employee Code: PS Conditional Responsibilities Line 3 Condition Code: WF140-C030 Condition Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-C030 Description: Administration Depart. Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Field ID:29 (Shortcut Dimension 1 Code) Filter: Adm Employee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType: Decision Decision Option Set Code: Examination Description: Examination Decision Option Set Line 1 Value: OK Description: Ok Decision Option Set Line 1 Value: Not OK Description: Not Ok Decision Option Set Code: EXAMINATION

Field Modification

Field Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: <>2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fix Value Input: Pending Approval

Field Modification Line 2:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..12

New Status Level Filter: 2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fix Value Input: Released

To-Do Template 2Reference Type No:38 (Sales Header) Code: WF140-TD010 Description: Purchase Rejected by Department
WHOTeam Code: Purchase Employee Table Choice: Employee (Sales Person/ Purchaser) Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Employee Field ID: 43 (Purchaser Code)
WHYBy Decision Type No: 38 (Purchase Header) By Decision Template Code: WF140-TD010 Decision Value Filter: Not Ok
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF140-TD010 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion

Field Modification

Field Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: 0..14

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fix Value Input: Pending Approval

To-Do Template 3Reference Type No:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-TD030 Description:CFO Approve
WHOEmployee Code: HA
WHYBy Decision Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) By Decision Template Code: WF140-TD010 Decision Value Filter: Ok Condition Code: WF140-C040 Activation Condition Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-C040 Description: Lime Amount > 25000 Type: Activation Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Field ID: 103 Line Amount) Filter: >25000 Multi Line Check: Sum Additional Condition: WF140-C050 Additional Condition Table ID: 38 Code: WF140-B050 Description: Only Item Lines Condition Line 1 Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line) Field ID: 5 (Type) Filter: Item
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF140-TD010 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType:Decision Decision Option Set Code: EXAMINATION

Field Modification

Field Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: <>2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fix Value Input: Pending Approval

Field Modification Line 2:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: 2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fix Value Input: Released

To-Do Template 4Reference Type No:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-TD040 Description:Purchase Rejected by CFO
WHOTeam Code: WKFLADMIN Conditional Responsibility based on Department Code Conditional Responsibilities Conditional Responsibility Line 1 Condition Code: WF140-C010 Employee Code: PS Conditional Responsibility Line 2 Condition Code: WF140-C020 Employee Code: TZ Conditional Responsibility Line 3 Condition Code: WF140-C030 Employee Code: AH
WHYBy Decision Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) By Decision Template Code: WF140-TD030Decision Value Filter: Not Ok
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF140-TD030 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType : Manual Completion

Field Modification

Filed Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: 0..14

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fixed Value Input: Pending Approval

To-Do Template 5Reference Type No:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-TD050 Description: Approve
WHOEmployee Code: JR
WHYCondition Code: WF140-C060 By Decision Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) By Decision Template Code: WF140-TD030 Decision Value Filter:Ok
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF140-TD030 Duration Date Calculation: 2D Critical Date Calculation: -1D
WHATType : Decision Decision Option Set Code: EXAMINATION

Activation Condition

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF140-C060

Description: Line Amount > 50000

Type: Activation

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 103 (Line Amount)

Filter: >50000

Multi Line Check: Sum

Additional Condition: WF140-C050

Field Modification

Field Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: <>2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fixed Value Input: Pending Approval

Field Modification 2:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: 2

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fixed Value Input: Released

To-Do Template 6Reference Type No:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-TD060 Description: Purchase Rejected by MD
WHOEmployee Code: JR
WHYBy Decision Type No.: 38 (Purchase Header) By Decision Template Code: WF140-TD050 Decision Value Filter:NotOk
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF140-TD050 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType :Manual Completion

Field Modification

Field Modification Line 1:

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: 0..14

Table ID: 38 (Sales Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Fix Value Input: Pending Approval

To-Do Template 7Reference Type No:38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-TD070 Description: Purchase Approval
WHOTeam Code: Purchase Conditional Responsibility based on Purchaser Conditional Responsibility Conditional Responsibility Line 1 Condition Code: WF140-C010 Employee Code: PS Conditional Responsibility Line 2 Condition Code: WF140-C020 Employee Code: TZ Conditional Responsibility Line 3 Condition Code: WF140-C030 Employee Code: AH
WHYCondition Code: WF140-C070 Activation Condition Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Code: WF140-C070 Description: Purchase Released Type: Acitvation Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header) Field ID: 120 (Status) Filter: Released
WHENSource Type: To-Do Group Source Code: WF140-TG010 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType :Manual Completion

To-Do Group Template

Reference Type: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF140-TG010

Description: Purchase Order Approval

To-Do Group Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF140-TD010

To-Do Group Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF140-TD020

To-Do Group Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF140-TD030

To-Do Group Line 4

Type: To-Do

Code: WF140-TD040

To-Do Group Line 5

Type: To-Do

Code: WF140-TD050

To-Do Group Line 6

Type: To-Do

Code: WF140-TD060

Workflow Template

Reference Type: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF140

Description: Purchase Order Approval

Reference Editing Form: 50 (Purchase Order)

Use Condition: WF140-C080


Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Code: WF140-C080

Description: Purchase Order Approval Required

Type: Workflow Use Condition

All Condition Lines

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Condition Line 1

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Filter: Order

Condition Line 2

Table ID: 39 (Purchase Line)

Field ID: 103 (Line Amount)

Filter: >1000

Multi Line Check: Sum

Additional Condition: WF140-C050

Condition Line 3

Table ID: 38 (Purchase Header)

Field ID: 120 (Status)

Filter: <>Released

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do Group

Code: WF140-TG010

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF140-TD070