Example 11

Article05/08/20232 min read

Type: Recurring Notification

Department: CRM

Learning Objectives

Conditional Responsibilities

It is possible to connect specific To-Dos to specific employees using the conditions.

Recurring To-Do

Furthermore, it is possible to define a task as being repeated after a specific period of time.

Business Process “Monthly Phone Call Alert”

The most important costumers of the company are contacted monthly by the Sales Manager, who is in charge of (they will be reminded by an alert system).

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 5050 (Contact)

Editing Form ID: 5050 (Contact Card)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 30 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definitions:

Tick all Use Fields

Table ID: 5050 (Contact)

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Field ID: 2 (Name)

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Field ID: 9 (Phone No.)

Table Join

Table ID: 5050 (Contact)

Table ID to join: 5089 (Contact Profile Answer)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 1 (Contact No.)

Field Value: Field

Value: 1 (No.)

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No: 5050 (Contact) Code: WF110-TD010 Description: Monthly Account Mgt. Phone Call
WHOEmployee Code: PS Conditional Responsibility based on Salesperson Conditional Responsibilities Conditional Responsibilities Line 1 Condition Code: WF110-C010 Condition Table ID: 5050 (Contact) Code: WF110-C010 Description: Salesperson John Roberts Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 5050 (Contact) Field ID: 29 (Salesperson Code) Filter: JR Employee Code: JR Conditional Responsibilities Line 2 Condition Code: WF110-C020 Condition Table ID: 5050 (Contact) Code: WF110-C020 Description: Salesperson Linda Martin Type: Responsibility Condition Line 1 Active: Yes Type: Field Table ID: 5050 (Contact) Field ID: 29 (Salesperson Code) Filter: LM Employee Code: LM
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow DurationDate Calculation: 2DDuration Date Calculation: -1DRecurring: YesRecurring Date Interval: 1M Calc. Due Date from: Closing Date
WHATType: Manual Completion

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 5050 (Contact)

Code: WF110

Description: Monthly Account Mgt. Phone Call

Use Condition: WF110-C030


Table ID: 5050 (Contact)

Code: WF110-C030

Description: Top 25% Costumer

Type: Workflow Template Use

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type ID: 5089 (Contact Profile Answer)

Field ID: 5 (Answer)

Filter: Top 25% Costumer

[Warning: Lookup not possible, need to be copied from the profile questionnaire]

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF110-TD010