Example 10

Article05/08/20234 min read

Example 10

Type: Advanced Notification

Department: Sales

Learning Objectives

Priorities (To-Do)

With the use of priorities, To-Dos can be further differentiated which then supports the determination of status levels.

Priorities (Condition)

After the Priorities had been defined, the conditions are revised. As soon as a condition matches the highest Priority, a Workflow is created. If the condition does not match the highest Priority, the condition is compared with the second highest Priority, the third highest priority and so forth.

Status Change Notification

Once the status of a To-Do has changed, an employee or a team will be informed via an e-mail notification. This can be that a notification is setup on the Status Change Notification.

Date Monitoring

The To-Do Type Date Monitoring allows the examination of two data fields within a specified period of time. If the examination results negatively, the To-Dos will open up.

Reaction on Condition Discontinuation

If the data set which triggers a Workflow has been deleted, further steps of the process are defined in this field.

Keywords on To-Do Templates

Keywords on To-Do Templates control the field information of a data set which are shown on selected To-Dos, this information can also be sent through e-mails.

Business Process “Notification on Delivery Date”

The Sales Manager is on notice on Requested Delivery Dates which cannot be met via notification. So therefore the Sales Manager will be able to inform the correlating costumer in this matter.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Table Join

Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Table ID to join: 36 (Sales Header)

Table Join Line 1

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Value Type: Field

Value: 1 (Document Type)

Table Join Line 2

Field ID: 3 (No.)

Value Type: Field

Value: 3 (Document No.)

Reference Type

No.: 37 (Sales Line)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 10 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definition Lines

Tick all Use Fields

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Field ID: 3 (Document Type)

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Table ID: 36 (Sales Header)

Field ID: 79 (Sell-to Customer Name)

Keyword Definitions Line 3

Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Field ID: 11 (Description)

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No: 37 (Sales Line) Code: WF100-TD010 Description: Promised Del. Date will be not met Priority: High
WHOEmployee Code: PS
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Reference Table Source Field: 5791 (Promised Delivery Date) Source Offset Date Calculation: -2D Duration Date Calculation: -7D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType: Date Monitoring Date to monitor Table ID: 37 (Sales Line) Field ID: 5794 (Planned Delivery Date) Reference Date Source Type: Reference Table Source Table ID: 37 (Sales Line) Source Field ID: 5791 (Promised Delivery Date) Time Frame Source Offset Date Calculation Date Monitoring): -2D Time Frame: 2D

Status Change Notification

Status Change Notification Line 1

Old Status Level Filter: 0..14

New Status Level Filter: <>2

E-Mail Responsible Team/ Person: Yes

Employee Code: TZ

Keyword Definitions

Keyword Definition Lines

Tick all Use Fields

Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Field ID: 5794 (Planned Delivery Date)

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Field ID: 5791 (Promised Delivery Date)

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 37 (Sales Line)

Code: WF100

Description: Promised Del. Date will not be met

Reaction on Condition Discontinuation: Hold

Reaction on Deleted Source: Hold

Use Condition: WF100-C010

Priority Level: 1 (show column)


Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Code: WF100-C010

Description: Order Promise

Type: Workflow Template Use

All Condition Lines

Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Filter: Order

Condition Line 2

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Field ID: 5791 (Promised Delivery Date)

Filter: <>’’

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF100-TD010

Editing Page ID: 42 (Sales Order)

Differing Table ID (Editing Table): 36 (Sales Header)

To-Do Template

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No: 37 (Sales Line) Code: WF105-TD010 Description: Requested Del. Date will be not met
WHOEmployee Code: PS
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Reference Table Source Field: 5790 (Requested Delivery Date) Source Offset Date Calculation: -3D Duration Date Calculation: -7D Critical Date Calculation: -3D
WHATType: Date Monitoring Date to monitor Table ID: 37 (Sales Line) Field ID: 5794 (Planned Delivery Date) Reference Date Source Type: Reference Table Source Table ID: 37 (Sales Line) Source Field ID: 5790(Requested Delivery Date) Time Frame Source Offset Date Calculation (Date Monitoring): -3D Time Frame: 5D

Keyword Definitions

Keyword Definition Lines:

Tick all use Fields

Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Keyword Definitions Line 1

Field ID: 5794 (Planned Delivery Date)

Keyword Definitions Line 2

Field ID: 5790 (Requested Delivery Date)

Workflow Template

Reference Type No.: 37 (Sales Line)

Code: WF105

Description: Requested Del. Date will not be met

Use Condition: WF105-C010

Priority Level: 2

(make field visible via “choose columns”)


Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Code: WF105-C010

Description: Order Request

Type: Workflow Template Use

All Condition Lines

Table ID: 37 (Sales Line)

Condition Line 1

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Field ID: 1 (Document Type)

Filter: Order

Condition Line 2

Active: Yes

Type: Field

Field ID: 5790 (Requested Delivery Date)

Filter: <>’’

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF105-TD010

Editing Page ID: 42 (Sales Order)

Differing Table ID (Editing Table): 36 (Sales Header)